MSN and AOL works thats all I tested.
This works, well for people are wondering...
1. Install OpenSHH from installer if you haven't
2. Logon your iphone using an ftp program with you ip add for your iphone which can be found in Prefernces > Wireless > your wireless connection > tap the blue arrow on the right..
3. Use login name of root and password alpine
4. Go to your ftp program and find that host file..
5. Right click on it or crtl+click if you're using a one button mouse and click on Edit with Text Edit
6. Then copy and paste the codes that were provided in previous replies, at the END of the script.
7. Save and have it replace the old host file.
8. If you are unsure how to do all this be sure to save the original host file befor step 5.
Basically the tiny-code source did that automatically, this is the manual process.
This is basically a more indepth process and explaination of what everyone on thsi thread is doing...
Optional, you can ftp wallpapers, ringtones, roms, emulators, and basically hack/mod your iphone with ftp if you know what you are doing and know where the files are...
To see changes be sure to not to have you iphone on lock when you try to connect, sometimes it won't connect.
Be sure to restart after the ftp process, sometimes you see changes right away, sometimes not.
Be sure to restart Summerboard if you are using it, sometimes iphone goes a little whack afterwards and reboots with the original theme. But rarely.