I see in the thread that earlier you mentioned that flash cards could be viewed in landscape mode. I have the most up-to-date version of gFlash+ running on my iphone 3g, but it does not go into landscape mode.
Benefits to gFlash+
1. Easy. Allows the creation of flash cards that can be created on google documents and then uploaded to your device ( mine being an Iphone currently, but once a blackberry). Google allows many flash card-sets to be created and the application allows access to all of them.
2. Multiple Choice. From the card-set created, your device can shuffle your answers and display (4) terms that you must choose from that correspond to the definition given. There are also other modes such as reversible Q and A, and One-card mode within the options.
3. Portability and time. Creating cards online are easy, but carrying them on your phone rather than physical cards is by far more convenient. Data is easy to create and take less time than creating physical cards.
4. Accuracy. If you tell the device you didn't get a card right or you want to circle back to the card after finishing the card set, it will mark it with a little red box, which signals the device to then return to the missed or "incorrect" cards in the end to retest your knowledge.
5. FREE! Many other applications supported by the iphone and blackberry devices cost money for flash card software. This is such a great product to utilize for studying. If you do enjoy it, please consider donating or contributing to the programers and editors who have worked very hard to produce and create updates for the software.
As a college student at the University of Central florida, this application helps tremendously for learning new vocabulary. Yet, I would suggest a few things about any updates or future software versions:
Ways gFlash+ could be improved:
1. The option to view the flash cards one-by-one on your own time, rather than them shuffling through them randomly each time the application is opened.
2. "In deck" editing would be helpful for cards you would like to add information to, rather than going to a computer, signing in, finding card set, locating card, typing information, deleting card-set on handheld, uploading card-set on handheld.
3. A way to view the cards in landscape mode. I know it was mentioned earlier in the thread but it doesn't turn when the phone is turned.
4. Ability to place folders on the device to separate card-sets. (ie. Biology cards, Chemistry cards, Math Formula cards, etc)
5. More descriptive information on creating card-sets in google docs and more options for adding things into card sets (pictures, labeling diagrams, different fonts, card colors, layouts, designs, etc)
Although these suggestions sound very specific, I believe it would make a better product and people would be more willing to contribute. From the itunes store, the application "Flash my Brain flashcards" has many visual features that would make your product more appealing. I believe that with the visual appeal and the current "test yourself" options, the product would be the best on the market. I know that if it becomes any more convenient and customizable for myself, I would be willing to contribute for the hard-work. Just giving you some feedback...