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Gflash & chinese

I purchased Gflash & prepared 3 column data to learn chinese. I now believe only two column data can be uploaded. Is this correct?
I purchased Gflash & prepared 3 column data to learn chinese. I now believe only two column data can be uploaded. Is this correct?

This is true to an extent. The flashcard functionality requires two column data. However, the second column can also be used can also be used to give up to 3 possible answers, if viewed in multiple choice mode. You can also perhaps reformat your data to fit the two column approach or to fit the multiple choice template.

You can read up on much more of the gFlash functionality by checking out this link:

We also have quite a few user's who have already shared there Chinese data sets with our catalog, so that may give you a few ideas as well.
(I posted the following in response to the Back to School App thread as well. Apologies if this is discouraged.)

I'm gearing my Back to School App search toward my oldest (rising 8th grader) as she's likely getting an iTouch in the coming months (waiting to see the new line I've read about).

Right now, I'm focusing on flashcard apps and I can't believe how many there are to choose from. It's almost overwhelming. Most of the apps I've found are specific to a certain subject (sign language, spanish, geometry, LSAT, etc) so I've whittled through those and come up with a list I'm still considering.

  • Mental Case - $2.99
  • Cram - $6.99
  • Flash-Me - $3.99
  • Touchcards - $1.99
  • iFlipr - $4.99
  • StudyCards - $9.99
  • Flashcardz - $.99
  • Study Aid - $1.99
  • Study & Me - $.99
  • Study Flash - $1.99
  • Notecards - $1.99
  • Flashy - $.99
  • iCards - $.99
  • gFlash Pro - $4.99

The above list is in no specific order, just how they came up with a recent search.

I'm leaning toward Cram, but I was hoping to hear from any of you who might have experience using one or more of the above (or another app I may have omitted/missed).

Things that are important (or at least desirable) include:

  1. The ability to generate cards online, rather than just via the iPhone.
  2. If it requires a separate computer-based program, that program should be Windows as I don't have a Mac. I've seen a few that require Macs with no Windows options available.
  3. I don't care about the ability to add photos or sound (for now). I guess it's a nice feature, but it's not vital to my search.

Any help will be greatly appreciated. If you're a developer and don't have a Lite version (some/many of the above do), a promo code would guarantee a review from me (if positive) or an e-mail/PM with suggestions (if negative).
I like Anki

I actually have been really liking one called Anki. It doesn't have an app, you have to do some more complicated steps to use it directly on the iphone, but you can access your Anki decks and time spacing with an app called studyarcade.
Does anyone have any new input on this topic?

I'm going glassy eyed in reviewing the apps, and NONE seem to do everything i want.

I do want a Mac desktop version - for easy drag and drop of images, i do want Multiple Choice (which i didn't know i wanted until i saw it on a few apps), i honestly don't care much about DLing other peoples cards, and honestly, i don't want to pay $30 for a desktop version and then pay $5.99 for the iPhone version (talking Flash my Brain here because i think it's the only thing that does all i want).

I demo'd iFlash desktop and it was ok, but i didn't own the Touch then (i was looking for Nano/Classic cards at the time), so now i guess i need to go to another computer and see what i think again. Except there is no multiple choice.

But the child in question being able to review the cards on her computer instead of/in addition to using MY Touch would be nice....

Maybe i'll just go back to the kitchen and finish cooking dinner...
Looking at some of these apps, I was thinking that a Stanza-like approach would be perfect. Stanza goes back a page if you tap the left of the screen, shows some controls if you tap center, and goes a page forward if you tap the right of the screen.

Dunno, something like tapping left half shows the answer, tapping the right half goes to the next card, and on the answer screen, tapping left half means you didn't answer correctly, while tapping the right of the screen means you got it right. It would create more space and make the screen look less cluttered.

I also thought that controls on the actual flashcards screens may not be necessary. Shake to go back to card index would do it.

I'd definitely go with a solid app that could do that, create text based cards within the app (no need to go online), have a black background with white text (saves a bit of energy), randomizer, repeat incorrect cards a preconfigured number of times per session, and lock into either portrait or landscape mode.
Flash My Brain has rotten support and bogus refund guarantees.

:mad: Flash My Brain's windows version was so bad that we never got to Iphone version. Their No-Support forums are filled with frustrated comments. Extremely limited "sharing library" capabilities don't suit many on the forums. People wait months without answers or refunds. Then they drop them to stop the complaints.

Great idea - too bad they aren't honorable - like all the other good people we've done business with through the years. Who knows how many $29.95 dis-satisfied customers have had their money stolen - like we have. If your money isn't returned in less than a month - no matter how pretty their fake promises are - REPORT THEM TO PAYPAL. If you believe their FAKE letters promising refunds - past 30 days - Paypal won't file for you - and they've found another sucker. They give all the great internet entrepeneurs a bad name.

Don't let them steal from you too.
I've tried every major flashcard app out there, and even a few of the minor ones. I finally came across [app]Flashcards Deluxe[/app], which I find to be the ultimate. You can enter fullscreen mode, choose different learning systems (the spaced repitition is great for large decks of cards), choose whether to swipe or tap, choose the background and textcolor, add fullscreen pics, audio, and also choose whether you want to test again just the cards you got wrong on a run through. There is a lite version to try out as well.
Stacks 3.0 - major update


Stacks just went version 3.0 and now includes the ability to create your own
flashcards. You can even copy and paste your flashcards from other websites
directly into Stacks.

Check out the website:

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