Hi again - sorry to monopolise your evening,
OK - I've done the firmware flash - the only difference I had was that I had to press Y a couple of times to confirm that I wanted to overwrite - but I now have boot screens and a PCI Cards tab that displays 5.0GT/s.
I noticed that you were running CUDA-Z v0.6 and I had d/l v0.7 - I grabbed the same v0.6 as yourself and got it running - however I notice that my memory section appear to show a much lower set of memory copy numbers that your screen shot (I'm running a Mac Pro 3,1 if that makes any odds). Any ideas why this may be?
All the best,
OK - I've done the firmware flash - the only difference I had was that I had to press Y a couple of times to confirm that I wanted to overwrite - but I now have boot screens and a PCI Cards tab that displays 5.0GT/s.
I noticed that you were running CUDA-Z v0.6 and I had d/l v0.7 - I grabbed the same v0.6 as yourself and got it running - however I notice that my memory section appear to show a much lower set of memory copy numbers that your screen shot (I'm running a Mac Pro 3,1 if that makes any odds). Any ideas why this may be?
All the best,