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macrumors 601
Original poster
Sep 16, 2007
Northeastern Ohio
so yeah i just bought a pc version 9800 pro and i want to flash it to a mac. preferably to a 2x agp g4 sawtooth. it is a 8x/4x card and i read about taping the 3 and 11 pins to force it to run 2x. does anyone know where there's a good tutorial or guide on how to do it without having an agp pc? thanks
If it's a sawtooth, you haven't to tape any pins. I flashed the same card for my sawtooth and it just works fine whitout taping. You have only to ensure that you pick the universal AGP version (two gaps between the contacts, AGP 2x/4x/8x) and not the AGP 4x/8x only.

Afterwards, enjoy a quick finder and perfectly smooth Quartz animations and core graphics!
If it's a sawtooth, you haven't to tape any pins. I flashed the same card for my sawtooth and it just works fine whitout taping. You have only to ensure that you pick the universal AGP version (two gaps between the contacts, AGP 2x/4x/8x) and not the AGP 4x/8x only.

Afterwards, enjoy a quick finder and perfectly smooth Quartz animations and core graphics!

first off thanks for everyone's help.

did you use a pc to flash it or did you use your mac? should i buy a pci video card while i flash the agp one?

i bought the 4x/8x(as far as i know not 2x) agp with the 2 gaps in the contacts. it's a 256mb card.

here's a pic of it
ok i got it today. now i just gotta figure out where to find a mac rom for the 256mb 9800 pro. i have a older pc with an agp slot which i can use to flash or use the blind method and flash it on the mac.
Yes, that's the right one. You can use your mac to flash it. The most simple way to do it is to start the sawtooth with the card inserted and flash it using graphiccelerator. With a VNC connection you can see what you are doing, but you need a second mac...

LINK to Graphiccelerator:
So this card could be flashed without me having to get out the old soldering iron ?, if so i'm definitely gonna pick up a cheap radeon card
i bought a radeon 9800 pro 128mg off ebay from someone that said it had been flashed by a professional.... and it works great,,, and i just love it..

Chipset Model: ATY,R350
Type: Display
Bus: AGP
Slot: SLOT-1
VRAM (Total): 128 MB
Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
Device ID: 0x4e48
Revision ID: 0x0000
ROM Revision: 113-A07525-130
HP w2207:
Resolution: 1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz
Depth: 32-bit Color
Core Image: Hardware Accelerated
Main Display: Yes
Mirror: Off
Online: Yes
Quartz Extreme: Supported
Display Connector:
Status: No display connected

how much did you pay for it?

i got my 256mb version for $61 shipped and i even got a nice pci tv tuner/capture card as well. not bad of a price if you ask me
yea..i agree that i paid too much,,,i think it was $125... i should have done what you did,,,bought a pc 9800 pro,,and did the flash myself...i have flashed many bios,s over my life time, and fairly confident i could do it with the 9800 pro...just did not think of it

wonder if you can flash it back to pc again?"??
Need cheap PCI card. Which one will work

Greetings Mac Forums:

I recently got a:

ATI Radeon 9800 128 MB DDR Pro Graphics Card (AGP)

with the same number of slots as the 256 MB featured here.

I have a sawtooth and need to know if a PCI card from a G3 will temporarily do for flashing the Radeon 9800?

iMac ATI Rage Pro128 16MB PCI Video Card 109-57400-00
yes the pci card should work. if you have another mac you can set up remote desktop on the computer with the card to get flashed and use another one to control that screen. i used my ibook with chicken of the vnc to control and do the flashing since i didn't have the pci card.

be sure to download the right ROM. dl a compressed 64kb version as well as the original 128kb ROM. if the full sized doesn't work, use the reduced rom.

just remember that a sawtooth is only an AGP 2x card and the 9800pros most likely are 4x/8x. so you will need to tape pins 3 & 11 to force it to run at 2x and work in your mac. said:
Flashing on Mac OS X (using an AGP tower Mac and you have Mac PCI video card):

1. Go to the page of ATIccelerator I and download the latest version.

2. Find a a reduced ROM file for your card that has been enlarged to 128K.

3. Mount the ATIccelerator disk image, hold down the Option key and drag the "Flasher & dumper" folder out to the desktop to make a copy of it there.

4. Run ATIccelerator I, go to the Misc menu and choose to put a Mac ROM into the flasher. Select the full Mac Radeon ROM file and put it in the ATI Multi Flasher (with confirmation) copied to the folder on the desktop. Shutdown the Mac.

5. Open up your Mac. Install the PC Radeon AGP video card into the Mac, along with a working Mac PCI video card. Attach the monitor to the Mac PCI video card and turn on the Mac and wait for OS X to finish loading. If the Mac doesn't boot at all (no chime), shut it down, go to step 6. If you heard the chime but no disk activity and the OS does not load, use the steps for the PC. If it is booting properly, go to step 7.

6. Take the Radeon AGP card out of the Mac, get some sticky tape, cut two small strips of sticky tape and tape connectors #3 and #11 (counting from the right on the BACK of the card with the AGP connectors pointing downward). Install the card in the Mac, turn the Mac on.

7. After the OS X finished loading, run the "Run Me First" program copied from the ATIccelerator I package. This program will load the ATIUTEXT.kext file.

8. Run the ATI Multi Dumper and it should produce a PC ROM file and a text output file for the PC video card you are trying to flash. Keep the PC ROM file in a safe place.

9. Run ATI Multi Flasher (with confirmation), which you already put the reduced Mac Radeon ROM file, enlarged to 128K, in with ATIccelerator, read the dialog box to make sure you are flashing the right card. The flashing process should reach 100%. (If you use a reduced ROM file, not enlarged to 128K, and if the flashing process stops at something like 82%, DON'T RESTART OR SHUTDOWN THE COMPUTER, try to flash a full ROM file into the card immediately, which will stop at 50%. Find a reduced ROM file, enlarged to 128K, to flash the card). If you have the "ERROR Programming Devices" window popping up, this means that the Mac flasher does not support the ROM chip on your card - use a PC.

10. Shutdown the Mac. Take the Mac PCI video card out. Connect the monitor to the flashed Radeon AGP card, start up the Mac and you should see whether the card works. If it doesn't work with OS 9, it may work with OS X. It is safe to run the ATI October 2004 ROM update, which update the ROM to a newer (or full) version, if the ROM chip on your card is 128K, and update the ATI ROM Xtender to version 1.2. (Don't run the ATI Sept 2004 ROM update as it will try to flash a full Mac ROM file into the card even if the ROM chip on the card is 64K, and the flashing process will stops at 50%, and so you will have to flash it again).

Note: Unless you have enlarged a PC Radeon ROM file to 128K (by dumping it using a PC flasher or the Mac flasher, not by adding zeros by hand), don't ever try to flash a PC Radeon ROM file into a Radeon card on the Mac as it could result in a serious problem -- use a PC to do it. ATIccelerator I requires Java Runtime Environment 1.4. Java RE 1.4 is part of OS X 10.3. OS X 10.2.6 - 10.2.8 users need to install the Java 1.4.1 update.
Thanks for info

Thanks for the info OrangeSVTguy:

The only other Mac I have available is an old iMac, that boots sometimes.

I might first try it's card or buy a cheap PCI.

I believe my card fits the classification of Macz1 post
If it's a sawtooth, you haven't to tape any pins. I flashed the same card for my sawtooth and it just works fine whitout taping. You have only to ensure that you pick the universal AGP version (two gaps between the contacts, AGP 2x/4x/8x) and not the AGP 4x/8x only.

I should have everything ready by the weekend.
no problem GoS, here to help out when/where i can.

i just picked up a PC 128mb 9800 pro so i can't wait to get that to flash it. considering they are pretty much just as fast, don't really need the 256mb. now i need to pick up an ati vga cooler for it so i don't fry this one :p
Need updated flashing instructions 9800 Radeon

Hey OrangeSVTguy:

I will go with a Zalman cooler.

The imac (Blueberry 333) is dead. Its video card isn't PCI nor AGP, it is a very small internal one.

Let me know how flashing the PC 128mb 9800 Pro goes.

I downloaded the current apps ATIccelerator II and Graphiccelerator, and Roms from: The instructions on are for flashing on a PC. I am performing this on a Mac with a PCI card (soon to arrive).

I referred to the following instructions,

but these instructions appear to be outdated (2004). It refers to ATIccelerator I. Do you know Where I can get updated instructions on how to flash the card on a Mac?

But there is another issue. I installed ATIccelerator II and it doesn't appear in my APPLICATIONS column. Even after a few tries.

I am running 10.5 Leopard.

i used VNC with my ibook for flashing both my cards but using a pci card would be much easier(or pretty much the same) if your not familiar with remote desktop sharing. i also don't know if ATIccelerator II is familiar with leopard.

hey let me know when you're ready to flash and i'll help you out, do you have msn messenger?
9800 installed

Greetings OrangeSVTguy:

Once again thanks for the help.

The card was successfully installed.

But the PCI card (3DfX Voodoo 3 2000 PCI 16MB), used for viewing the flashing, is a low power card and the graphics was grey and DPI looked like about 640 x 480 or something low resolution. Anyway it was very chopping hard to read and navigate through the screen. I could barely see what I was doing. I highly do not recommend using this particular card.

I flashed with the full 128 ROM.

The Zalman Cooler is excellent, especially with the PCI slot exhaust fan next to it.

I have the OWC 1.4 GHz processor and it's heat sink position doesn't permit two of the eight (ram) heat sinks on the 9800 to be installed next to it. I am speaking about the eight blue aluminum ram heat sinks that are supplied with the VF700-Cu. And the metal brace plate on the Zalman had to be cut off about 1/8 and inch because it was touching the processor heat sink.

I set the Processor and Memory MHZ to 389 and 344 respectively. 10.9% and 6.25% from the stock frequencies respectively. Everything appears cool.
I just read everything I found on this post and I was able to successfully flash my ATI Radeon 9800 pro 128mb, with ease. Now I can finally run iMovie 08, X-Plane now that my graphics supports core image.
But I do need to find an ADC adapter so I can use my good display.
I just read everything I found on this post and I was able to successfully flash my ATI Radeon 9800 pro 128mb, with ease. Now I can finally run iMovie 08, X-Plane now that my graphics supports core image.
But I do need to find an ADC adapter so I can use my good display.

Well congrats on your successful flashing process. I've done it quite a bit of times now on my G4s and G5s. Glad you found this useful, besides that's what it's here for! :cool:
flashed radeon 9800 pro

i bought mine of ebay already flashed. how could i know if is flashed by rom or soldered?
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