Wow you just called somebody stupid on the internet? Congrats, that is a big win for you. I am sorry that I was able to determine your ownership of an iPad based upon your unfortunate response to what you took as an insult to your cherished device. It is sad that you would take such a comment from me that was intended to be light hearted and interpret it in a way that made you lash out as you did towards me. I am sorry that my words got to you in such a manner. So that you are aware, I in fact do agree with your statement regarding his original post and how seems to be a bit heavy on the marketing side of things. I did not feel the need to coddle you and let you know that I agree with you in my original comment. In the future I will be more likely to reaffirm your positive notes so that you do not get your feelings hurt. I am sorry for not being more considerate of your feelings. Seventy percent of the time when a person lashes out in such a manner it is due to their feelings being hurt. It is okay and I take no offense as it is a natural reaction to insecurities.
For the record, I apologize for my obvious lack of education and I truly hope we can smooth this over.
Good day.
Trying to sound smart in a run-on sentence where "their" is misspelled. Hilari-fail.
is it me, or did antiprotest just get knocked the fug out.
Haha! Nice work Mr Mitchell.
Hey aohus, it's not just you, I'm also pretty sure that antiprotest just got his/her ass handed to him/her. Ebola, you beat me to it. There's (theirs!) nothing funnier on a forum than someone trying to act intellectual whilst flinging around bad grammar.
As for flipboard, a friend has it and I was almost impressed enough to go and buy one of those big iPod touch thingys that you all seem to be so enamoured with. Almost.
EDIT: In fairness to antiprotest though, the OP does indeed sound like a sales pitch.