I don't know if I would go that far. I always saw Focus as Do Not Disturb 2.0: same basic function but with more flexibility on what can get through. DnD 1.0 was pretty much all or nothing blocking. Example, someone texts you in DnD, went into a black hole until replied.
Could it be better? Yes. The auto-reply feature that's only in the Driving Focus (and was only in Driving DnD pre-15) probably should be an option in other Focuses vs current Focus Status option.
Personally, Focus is just fine for me, as if I'm turning on a Focus, I only want to be interrupted if emergency and only immediate family, closest friends. So not letting anyone know my Focus status in all but one Focus. Life happens (meetings, doctor's appointment, me/family time, etc) and if someone is getting bent out of shape that their email/text was not immediately replied, I'm not going to stress about it.