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Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
For those of you out there who are new to MacRumors, or distributed computing, or both. This thread is meant to provide info on the Folding@Home team and to try to persuade more of you to join up.

First off, some handy links:
The Folding@Home webpage -
The MacRumors Team page -
The Statsman F@H info page -

The Statsman page gives you a lot of good info on teams production rates, and trending.

We are currently in 43rd place, if you don't count the "no team" users. Our goal is to find a spot somewhere in the top 30, but the competition is pretty stiff.

Feel free to ask us questions about running the various F@H apps, scoring, etc.

We hope to see some new faces on the team in the near future.:)


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA

Our (mc68k and my) lab of ~30 PCs is back up and running at full strength again...I'm taking over all of the machines while he's on vacation.:p

Let's get cracking, people!:D


macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2002
I'm on Seti@Home with 15 wu's. Stupid slow computer!:mad: Anyway my username there is Mac_Master. I would join folding@home too, but I can't run OSX on this computer...Well I can if I want to, but...It's a long story...


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by MacMaster
I'm on Seti@Home with 15 wu's. Stupid slow computer!:mad: Anyway my username there is Mac_Master. I would join folding@home too, but I can't run OSX on this computer...Well I can if I want to, but...It's a long story...

Yeah, we have another 30+ machines running OS 9 that we can't use.:mad:

Stupid Stanford...oh well, we should be getting new ones soon, and they'll most definitely run OS X.:D

Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001
I have about 30 machines at work that will be going up the OSX within the year (probably when X.2 and ArtPro comes out) When that is done because the machines wont get turned of and slept I will either run Seti or Folding, I haven't decided yet. When I do the username that we use will be added to one of the teams, I am on the seti team at the moment :)



Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Originally posted by Ensign Paris
I have about 30 machines at work that will be going up the OSX within the year (probably when X.2 and ArtPro comes out) When that is done because the machines wont get turned of and slept I will either run Seti or Folding, I haven't decided yet. When I do the username that we use will be added to one of the teams, I am on the seti team at the moment :)


Run SETI on half and F@H on the other half, that way you don't have to shaft one team completely.:D


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2002
The Netherlands
That's great news Rower!!!! I'm going on vacation during a week and i'm going to leave my PowerMac DP 1Ghz always on, only folding 24h a day! Top 30 here we go!!!


Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Originally posted by Tiauguinho
That's great news Rower!!!! I'm going on vacation during a week and i'm going to leave my PowerMac DP 1Ghz always on, only folding 24h a day! Top 30 here we go!!!
Be sure to run it under the terminal app won't you, you'll get FAR more done with that than the graphical version ;)

Ensign Paris

macrumors 68000
Nov 4, 2001
The Company is called Seven and we do Repro Graphics there and my father is head of the technical team there so naturally I get to work there and look after the macs, we are currently:

• Installing an Airport network for the laptop users
• Thinking about replacing all the Macs with Cinema 23" or 19 if they are out by then.
• Playing with out XServe which so far I have not been able to fiddle with yet becuase at the moment it is at Seven London.

Seven London work for Apple doing Repro and media content for future products but they have very very secure Solaris servers that I just can't break through :) Its a great atmosphere, my, my father and my sister all work there :)



Moderator emeritus
Mar 25, 2002
London, England
Originally posted by Ensign Paris
The Company is called Seven and we do Repro Graphics there and my father is head of the technical team there so naturally I get to work there and look after the macs, we are currently:

• Installing an Airport network for the laptop users
• Thinking about replacing all the Macs with Cinema 23" or 19 if they are out by then.
• Playing with out XServe which so far I have not been able to fiddle with yet becuase at the moment it is at Seven London.

Seven London work for Apple doing Repro and media content for future products but they have very very secure Solaris servers that I just can't break through :) Its a great atmosphere, my, my father and my sister all work there :)

You are very lucky! And if all those 21" CRT's were replaced with 23" HD's it would look awsome!


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2002
The Netherlands
No problem with that Verbose, i'm running the Folding Control app! But thanks for the warning! ;)

Originally posted by verbose101

Be sure to run it under the terminal app won't you, you'll get FAR more done with that than the graphical version ;)


macrumors 6502
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by Ensign Paris
The Company is called Seven and we do Repro Graphics there and my father is head of the technical team there so naturally I get to work there and look after the macs, we are currently:

• Installing an Airport network for the laptop users
• Thinking about replacing all the Macs with Cinema 23" or 19 if they are out by then.
• Playing with out XServe which so far I have not been able to fiddle with yet becuase at the moment it is at Seven London.

Seven London work for Apple doing Repro and media content for future products but they have very very secure Solaris servers that I just can't break through :) Its a great atmosphere, my, my father and my sister all work there :)

Wow! You are sooooooo lucky! I jump (really high) at the chance to work with that many Macs and so much! And in such a great setup too! I wish...


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2002
The Netherlands

I went to see the team page, and your name isn't there... Why? Join us!!! Join our team, help us out with some WU's, you have a great computer do do that!


macrumors 68020
Jan 6, 2002
I try to keep both the SETI and Folding teams happy, but you can't please everyone :) I run SETI most of the time, and when I need a change I do a few Folding units.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2002
The Netherlands
Come on guys we need to make anoher big push!!! only around 1500 points until top 40!!! LETS DO SOME FOLDING!!!!!!! TEAM MACRUMORS NEEDS YOU!!!!!!!!!!


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA

As of 6:35 pm PST, here are the current standings for us and our nearest competitors:


  • fah.gif
    6.3 KB · Views: 631


macrumors 6502a
Mar 5, 2002
The Netherlands
We need more members on our team. Rower, Im going to create another thread, only to catch some more attention on our team. We have 2 teams behind us that are aproaching very fast.


macrumors 68000
Dec 30, 2001
The SimCity Deli
With 860 SETI WU's, I'm going full steam for F@H on both my iBook and Toshiba PC. SETI is winding down; maybe next year they'll switch to the Parkes Observatory in Australia where the WHOLE BLOOMIN' SOUTHERN SKY will be scanned, and not just a minor swath of it.

Besides, bioinformatics needs more than the radio-astronomers do.


macrumors regular
Jul 17, 2002
About the terminal...

Got the folding terminal app a few days ago. Have two questions. First, is there any easy way to script the terminal to open the file or to launch it on startup? OS X just treats it as an unknown document. Second, is there any way to get the terminal to give status updates (i.e. the frames finished as in the logs)? Thanks.
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