I realise that the experience of being left less than the cost of a pint of beer out of pocket is distressing for you.
You used this this application for about two years ago, and it stopped working about two weeks ago. Call it 102 weeks of use.
I will presume that you used it twice every weekday, that comes to 1020 uses in the life of the application.
Each use of this app works out at around 0.254p a use.
What is the average saving of time you have achieved with this application? How much do you value an hour of your time at? Multiply the two figures. That is the average amount of money you can consider yourself to be saving when you use this app. If it is less than a quarter of a penny a time, then you either have self esteem issues or you live in some kind of paradise where the trains run precisely on time.
If you would prefer a cheaper method of obtaining train times, can I recommend the national rail enquiry website, picking up one of the free timetables or simply looking up when in a train station.
Just because your phone can do everything, it doesn't mean it has to.
Your over reliance on customer protection laws is distressing, is it really so important to fight for every second to claw back that minute amount of money?