I've been bouncing around this same issue myself, trying to decide between keeping my first gen 12.9 or keep the 10.5 I recently bought. The larger one was no real problem to carry around to client meetings, work and around the house use but the smaller one is tons more convenient in the portability respect. The new ProMotion screen is ok I guess but to me, it's not been an earth shattering difference like so many other have said. Apple Pencil latency is a wee bit better but this comes with trade offs like compare apps in Split View and the smaller keyboard (software). The 12.9 works perfectly well and I'm thinking iOS 11 would really make it shine too, plus I already have all Apple accessories like ASK, Smart Cover and silicone rear cover and I would need to buy those all over for the 10.5. After I use the 10.5 for a day, it seems fine but when I get back to my 12.9 it is just like a breath of fresh air, having so much more room to type and work. Decisions, decisions?
Has anyone else been down this similar path and decided to keep their first gen IPP over the new 10.5?
You know, I'm not really blown away by promotion either. I do notice it switching back to my iPhone, but I just don't really find it a big deal. I still notice blurriness when I scroll through text on the 12.9, it's just a little less now.
I feel like the pencil feels better, but I really had no complaints before.
However - trutone I notice and love.
I probably wouldn't of upgraded from a 12.9 to a 12.9 - unless you're going for more storage or cellular.