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deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
I still remember the campus tour guide saying that the towers are asymmetrical. See for yourself.

I suppose that depends on your (his) definition. The approach to the building and the portico are inviting. Where is this?

There is some barrel distortion in this image that is very distracting. I'd like to see what this looks like with the distortion removed.


macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->
This theme brought this photo to mind for me:


It was so windy that I had to hold my tripod down with all of my weight to keep it from flying away like Dorothy's cottage. But the thing I most remember about taking this shot is the incredibly loud din created by all of those spinning blades. I'll never forget that sound.

In the past I've tried to avoid posting archive shots to the challenge thread. I'll atone for it this weekend by taking a photo specifically for the challenge.

Hey, I resemble that remark! :p BTW, that gallery might go away soon. I'm working on a new gallery and am considering deleting the old one when the new one goes live.

Asymmetrical flight


Nice shot. They must have been very close for you to get a depth of field shallow enough that they're not all in focus.

A little symmetrical grass cutting. Washington State Fruit Commission. Yakima, Washington.


EXIF Summary: 1/320s f/8.0 ISO100 Tamron 28-75 2.8@28mm


I've always enjoyed seeing photos that use lawnmower tracks as leading lines.

Amida Buddha - Buddha of Infinite Light

Nice take on the Buddha. I like how the different folds help to break up the symmetry.


I took this a few years ago but it does fit the topic pretty well.

Very impressive terminal. The symmetry really works here, leading the eye to the central pagoda.

This photo gives a great sense of light and height. The slight leftwards tilt is distracting, though; I would straighten it.


macrumors 601
Apr 14, 2005
Thank you. So do I. This couple reminded me of my grandparents so the image is especially powerful for me. I just posted it in POTW. It's only the fourth entry and the contest closes tomorrow. Go figure.

It IS a beautiful picture. However it's been recycled a bit too much.
Always a treat to see it, but it's weird to see it pop up on every thread..

deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
A few months ago I started playing with negative space and then decided to play with inverse (negative) colors. There is, of course, symmetry between a color and its inverse.


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macrumors 6502
Sep 22, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Who hired that contractor? Cool photo and nice perspective.

I suppose that depends on your (his) definition. The approach to the building and the portico are inviting. Where is this?

There is some barrel distortion in this image that is very distracting. I'd like to see what this looks like with the distortion removed.

The building is UCLA's Royce Hall. The design is based on Milan's Basilica of Sant'Ambrogio. The tower details are asymmetrical such as the number of windows and the column running down its length. The image is HDRd. I'll look to see if I can dig up the source file. Been transferring from Aperture to Lightroom slowly.

deep diver

macrumors 68030
Jan 17, 2008
Han roof tile. This tile would have projected in the eaves. The four stylized characters read "Long Life Without End."


  • tile-straightened.jpg
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Designer Dale

macrumors 68040
Mar 25, 2009
Folding space
This theme brought this photo to mind for me:

^^Very interesting play on the topic. Symmetrical devices imaged in an asymmetrical frame. Nice attention to all the details of a fine photo as usual. I especially like the way one of the windmill towers is in a dominating position up front. Was it hard for you to persuade it to move or was it just photogenic? The exposure time is just right to show movement without blurring too much. How many shots did you take before hitting it just this way? And don't say "One...).

Asymmetrical light in a taxi portrait:


"taxi" Leica M | 35 Lux
^^ Black and white lends itself well to this photo. Nice and moody. I would have liked to see more detail in the shadows on the left, but I still like it.

^^It is fun to analyze the stress lines in this one. The angle of the model's body and especially the line of her left leg pull this off the right of the frame to the point where it seems to want to fall over. But the solid plant of the right leg and her gaze to the left counter that and seem to be holding everything up. You handle this type of photography so well. I have no talent with people.

^^ Another good example of symmetry in nature. Good job of framing this one off center.

The rule of thirds encourages asymmetry.
Lunada Bay HDR
^^ Yes it does. I really like the lines you have framed in this one. It splits between the flow down the beach and the soft horizontal lines of the clouds and sky.

Very nice photos, everyone.



macrumors 601
Feb 24, 2008
Over there------->

A lovely portrait. The pose strikes a terrific balance of poise and dynamism, which is really hard to accomplish.

A good example of how a certain amount of asymmetry can keep a photo from being completely static. Very nice colors here too. Nonetheless, the empty bench has become something of a visual trope in photography, and I haven't yet seen a take on the theme that really seems resolved.

I tried it myself a few months ago. I wanted to do something with this elegant marble bench that is nicely positioned in a wooded area and beneath a street lamp. I thought maybe I could get past the cliche of simple 'emptiness' by putting a prop on the bench, so I went out and bought the most perfect red rose I could find, tied a ribbon around it with a letter attached, and planned to do a photo with some romantic ambiguity: is it love lost, love spurned, or a connection missed? That's what I hoped to accomplish, anyway. I set up a couple of gelled strobes, cleared cigarette butts and other litter away from the bench, positioned the rose conspicuously on the bench, and waited for the street lamp to come on. I took about 15 shots from two different angles and ultimately deleted every one of them in disgust. I found that I was unable to nail the concept I had in mind; in the end, it just looked like an empty bench, alas.

^^Very interesting play on the topic. Symmetrical devices imaged in an asymmetrical frame. Nice attention to all the details of a fine photo as usual. I especially like the way one of the windmill towers is in a dominating position up front. Was it hard for you to persuade it to move or was it just photogenic? The exposure time is just right to show movement without blurring too much. How many shots did you take before hitting it just this way? And don't say "One...).

Thanks, Dale. I just had a look at that folder of photos to answer your question. The shot I posted was the fifth in a series, but somehow I managed to get the exposure right on the first shot. I guess I estimated 1/10s would be about right, and indeed it was, but I kept experimenting anyway. I subsequently tried 1/20s and 1/40s before coming back to 1/10s, where I had started. The first shot is nearly identical to the one I posted, but it's a bit softer (as I said before, I was holding the tripod down with all of my weight, so it wasn't exactly stable), and the alignment of the windmill blades isn't as nice (not all of them break the line of the clouds). The fifth shot miraculously came out tack sharp, and the blades of the various windmills were more "legible," so that's the one I picked.

I must say it's not one of my favorite shots. I'm not crazy about the mostly blank sky. The clouds are all crowded down at the bottom of the frame, where they aren't doing much for the photo. If they were moving quickly across the top of the frame, showing a bit of motion blur, now that might be a more interesting photo. Oh well.

By the way, on Sunday I did take a photo specifically with this challenge topic in mind, but I posted it to the Daily Thread already. It's this one.


macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
I haven't shot much during this time period but I did take some fireworks shots on the 4th. I'm going for a symmetrical burst from the firework and asymmetrical framing. I'm struggling with asymmetrical a bit. I keep saying to myself...self...anything not symmetrical is asymmetrical. Anyway I've been trying to think of something that really said asymmetrical but no luck yet for me.



macrumors 6502
Nov 16, 2004
A lovely portrait. The pose strikes a terrific balance of poise and dynamism, which is really hard to accomplish.

I've missed your photos and thoughtful comments--now that you're back I get to see/read these again and as an added bonus; crack a grin each time I see that fantastically zany avatar you now have :)

Welcome back.

^^It is fun to analyze the stress lines in this one. The angle of the model's body and especially the line of her left leg pull this off the right of the frame to the point where it seems to want to fall over. But the solid plant of the right leg and her gaze to the left counter that and seem to be holding everything up. You handle this type of photography so well. I have no talent with people.

Thanks for the feedback. I really enjoy working with people doing this kind of thing. However, stick me in the most scenic of all dreamy landscapes and then watch in amusement as I klutz around with a completely bumfuzzled look on my face…



macrumors 68000
Apr 2, 2006
My submission on one condition: if I win, the runner-up is in charge of the next competition. (Since we all know what happened the last time I was responsible. :p) I just want the criticism.


macrumors 65816
Jan 16, 2009
My submission on one condition: if I win, the runner-up is in charge of the next competition. (Since we all know what happened the last time I was responsible. :p) I just want the criticism.

Xander....buddy....This one isn't a contest it's just a themed 2 week challenge. No winners here, just submit and critique. Focus Myagi San ;).

Otherwise, nice shot. Well framed and the color is good. I'm assuming that's a straight up shot and those are always hard to frame up well.


macrumors 68000
Apr 2, 2006
Xander....buddy....This one isn't a contest it's just a themed 2 week challenge. No winners here, just submit and critique. Focus Myagi San ;).

Otherwise, nice shot. Well framed and the color is good. I'm assuming that's a straight up shot and those are always hard to frame up well.

Gah! I was mislead by the "challenge" in the title. :eek: I should really learn how to read more critically.

Thanks! Yeah they're always trial and error. Shoot, check, move camera a few inches. Repeat. Cropping helps things along though.
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