Might be a boosted shipment. Hence not posting the store name / number to make sure they're only bought by "real" customers and not ebayers. If they really wanted to lure people in with their low prices, wouldn't they be screaming from the mountain tops that they have iPads in stock? People would come running. What are they gaining from selling discounted iPads secretly? Twenty new customers?
I am in no way affiliated with the store. I highly doubt they are stolen being it is a College Campus' store. That being said, the reason for me not posting the address or name in the thread was purely because as someone who has been looking for one for a while, I have seen many people trying to resell for profit on craigslist etc. I figured this way it would not be out there for lurkers of this site trying to do that to go scoop them up and rather go to people that are truly looking to enjoy it themselves.