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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 25, 2009
Hey guys!
I was out clubbing on the weekend and while at the bar i felt something against my foot - it was an iPhone!!

I have it at home now, it has a sim card but i removed it.

I'd like to ask about something; my friend told me once that he knew a person who found an iPhone, and it got tracked and police came and investigated it..
How does this work!
Should i be worried?
How would this be triggered? i.e. connecting to iTunes, putting the sim back in etc
Should i attempt to Jailbreak it or would this make it worse?

Would love some help, thanks guys!
Hey guys!
I was out clubbing on the weekend and while at the bar i felt something against my foot - it was an iPhone!!

I have it at home now, it has a sim card but i removed it.

I'd like to ask about something; my friend told me once that he knew a person who found an iPhone, and it got tracked and police came and investigated it..
How does this work!
Should i be worried?
How would this be triggered? i.e. connecting to iTunes, putting the sim back in etc
Should i attempt to Jailbreak it or would this make it worse?

Would love some help, thanks guys!


Stop being a d**k and take it to the police. That's if this is real.

Also, hopefully the owner has MobileMe and is tracking you right now...
......... I was out clubbing on the weekend and while at the bar i felt something against my foot - it was an iPhone!!.........


Did you not think to ask eveyone at the bar if they'd dropped an iphone...

Then did you not look in the phone and try and ring the number saved as 'home' or 'Mam & Dad' or one of the other favourite numbers...

Then you could have handed the phone into the carriers local shop if that hadn't worked...

I don't think anyone on here is going to help you effectively 'steal' someones iphone! :eek:
If I were you and wanted to keep it follow these steps carefully:

1) Put the SIM back in.
2) Call one of the favorites
3) When someone answers say the following EXACTLY:
"I found this phone on the ground and I plan on stealing it. Tell whoever's phone this is to please not go to the police, because I want to steal this fair and square. Also, please tell them to not cancel the plan for the phone as I cannot afford the outrageous data plan on my own. Finders keepers. Thanks, have a good day."
4) Delete all the contacts and add your own.
4) Voila! Free iPhone!
If you keep this, you'll get no further help with it from anyone here.

Just saying. Buy your own phone with your own money and pay your own plan.

If this person had MobileMe, you probably won't be able to keep it anyway. That find-my-iPhone feature is... good.
I personally cannot believe you would bring this to Macrumors! I have been reading this site forever and this might be one of the worst things I have ever seen posted. I think you should be kicked off for this. Whats next a MacBook at Starbucks? Just waiting in the shadows for them to go to the restroom.........
I personally cannot believe you would bring this to Macrumors! I have been reading this site forever and this might be one of the worst things I have ever seen posted. I think you should be kicked off for this. Whats next a MacBook at Starbucks? Just waiting in the shadows for them to go to the restroom.........

Uh, little harsh maybe. We don't make the rules here
Hey guys!
I was out clubbing on the weekend and while at the bar i felt something against my foot - it was an iPhone!!

I have it at home now, it has a sim card but i removed it.

I'd like to ask about something; my friend told me once that he knew a person who found an iPhone, and it got tracked and police came and investigated it..
How does this work!
Should i be worried?
How would this be triggered? i.e. connecting to iTunes, putting the sim back in etc
Should i attempt to Jailbreak it or would this make it worse?

Would love some help, thanks guys!

Turnin it in man. It's not cool to keep stuff that's not yours. Also, iPhones can be tracked down, so you better return it or at least try to return it.

Also, I'll say one more time. Karma, it comes and goes in many different ways. Sometimes, it is a bitch and bites ytou in the ass.
Uh, little harsh maybe. We don't make the rules here

I know we dont make the rules. It's just really sad that someone lost thier iphone and this person hasnt try'd to get it back to them. What if it was yours? You log into Macrumors to find someone wanting help to steal what you lost. Thats theft not finders keepers.... Really bad karma!!!!!!


I can't stand a thief!!!!
This is likely a troll.


1st post !
ha ha you picked the wrong place to post something like this. Unless this is one big joke by someone who decided to create a user account just to get a rise out of people.
If I were you and wanted to keep it follow these steps carefully:

1) Put the SIM back in.
2) Call one of the favorites
3) When someone answers say the following EXACTLY:
"I found this phone on the ground and I plan on stealing it. Tell whoever's phone this is to please not go to the police, because I want to steal this fair and square. Also, please tell them to not cancel the plan for the phone as I cannot afford the outrageous data plan on my own. Finders keepers. Thanks, have a good day."
4) Delete all the contacts and add your own.
4) Voila! Free iPhone!

I would like to add another one

6) Police knocks on your door and arrests you. Not cool!! Return it or at least attempt to return it. BOO!!!
Since he hasn't responded, I'd say he has left. This thread serves no purpose other than to brag about a theft, it can be closed.
It cant be theft if someone lost it and you happen to pick it up. You think the police gives 2 sh$ts about a lost iPhone? Heck the cops themselves might end up keeping it. Seriously, no one cares about an iPhone as much as we do. Get over yourselves and continue to live your life.
It cant be theft if someone lost it and you happen to pick it up.

Very definition of theft.

You think the police gives 2 sh$ts about a lost iPhone?


Heck the cops themselves might end up keeping it.


Seriously, no one cares about an iPhone as much as we do. Get over yourselves and continue to live your life.

Or get off of our forum or don't post if it doesn't matter to you.
Do the right thing and return it, nothing good ever comes from stealing. Turn it into the cops and in 30 days if no claimers come its rightfully yours.


Put sim in phone, find either baby, wifey, mom or dad, and call them and return it. Im sure something good will come out of it for your troubles.
i might get knocked for this but you know good and damn well a good majority of forum visitors eyes would light up if they were in his position. hell to be honest i was in the that position hence me being on the forums and buying me an iphone. tho i called the most recent #'s and the guy got his phone 1 day later. but i did play wit that SOB for hours. ran his battery down lol! waited til the 3gs came out and got me one.

but the thought of keeping it did cross my mind just like it would cross anyone else's. so yea go ahead and knock me if you want but truth is truth. yea he should call the most recents and give it back due to lack of insurance on these damn things, but also some of you all are playing "holier than thou" card right now.

you should have known you would have got your ass handed to you for bringing it to this particular forum lol!!!!!!!!
Before I bought my iPhone, I had a series of Treos. The last one I had, a Treo 680, held an accumulated 7 years worth of contacts, notes, vital (to me) information. Data was worth far more than the phone.

I lost the phone one day, at Sam's Club of all places. Fell out of my pocket in the restroom. I was across the store by the time I realized it, so I panicked and bolted back to the bathroom. It was gone, of course.

I was in the process of calling Cingular on my wife's phone when a manager asked me what was wrong. I told her, she made an announcement on the the intercom, and got a radio call back from another manager.

My phone had been found, and turned in, by a ten-year-old kid. He came walking up to the store front with the other manager. I thanked the young man profusely, shook his hand, and offered him $20 (all the cash I had on me) for his trouble. He refused my money, informing me he was a Cub Scout, and he was happy to do a good deed.

Don't tell me "everyone" would keep a found phone, and don't tell me "everyone" wants to be a thief. There is hope still for the future, we just need more honest young people, and fewer bragging thieves, to ensure that hope.
I have had found many purses and wallets, always returning them, and knowing what IF it was there only money? I could not live with that thought.. and myself.
gilkisson, Great read! Also, count me in as one who would try my best to return the phone. Call some favorite contacts and get this phone returned. There's really no "try to return it" it certainly can be done.

joey81, Just think if it were're on vacation and something tragic happened back home. They try to reach you but some person stole the phone and is online trying to find out how to make sure you never get it back. What if this person is a doctor and misses an urgent call to go to a particular hospital?

It's true the phone was first lost by the owner but if you tried to return it as soon as possible they may have gotten it back that night. You're making things worse.

I'm sure you must realize the right thing is to return the iPhone to it's owner.
If you even have to ask what you should do with a "found" iPhone, there's a problem. When you find money on a casino floor, technically it's the casino's money, but the possibility of finding money on a casino floor is 10 trillion to 1....:eek:
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