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If you even have to ask what you should do with a "found" iPhone, there's a problem. When you find money on a casino floor, technically it's the casino's money, but the possibility of finding money on a casino floor is 10 trillion to 1....:eek:
Hey i found a quarter and I put it in a slot LOL
What you do, defines who you are.
Now I'm no "Angel", but I strongly recommend you to give the phone back. If you want an iPhone so much, purchase one yourself and believe me you will appreciate it SO MUCH more.

Just think about it, if you were to loose your phone, I'm sure you would want the person to find it to return it to you, not just for the actual phone, but all that personal data you have within it (contacts, photos, emails).

Open the phone app and call someone in the favoirtes list and give it back, I'm sure everyone on this forum and the owner of the phone will respect you SO MUCH MORE.

:apple: KrayzieKray :apple:
I find this very informative and entertaining, thanks for the help guys!

Just a few responses;
1. I know how mobileme works as I have friends who use and don't use it, and I know that this does NOT infact have it now. Even if it did, I don't exist fully in this plane of existance and therefor can not be found. Sucks to be me.
2. If I stood up at the bar with 50 or so people crammed around me and cried "O HAY GAIZ, I FOUNDED A IpHONE, IS IT ANYONES/ANYONE WANT ONE?" I'm suuuure that only the rightful owner and NOBODY else would have stood up and claimed rightful responsibility. Yeah?
3. If I lost my phone, yeah, I wouldn't be happy, I'd want it back, but hell, I was out clubbing and drunk, chances are VERY slim to get it back, and ****, it was my own fault that I lost it because - I was out clubbing and drunk. cheers.
4. I believe in karma. The owner may have done something wrong, I do plenty of good things. Just the other day i donated 50c-75c to the local fundraising doorknockers. Heres my good karma.
5. Data would be my biggest grief too, @gilkisson, but this phone doesn't exactly have the largest wealth of information on it... not to mention the scratches on the screen and the back.
6. To the people yelling "ZOMG buy yur OWNZ" I stated I don't WANT an iphone, I just need an ipod. Thanks, God!

Love these forums.
I clearly lurk them often and know that people who spend a LOT of time breaking into the phones would hate people who happen to find them.

Didn't realise i had to spend $599-799 to have the right to be a scumbag.
I find this very informative and entertaining, thanks for the help guys!

Just a few responses;
1. I know how mobileme works as I have friends who use and don't use it, and I know that this does NOT infact have it now. Even if it did, I don't exist fully in this plane of existance and therefor can not be found. Sucks to be me.
2. If I stood up at the bar with 50 or so people crammed around me and cried "O HAY GAIZ, I FOUNDED A IpHONE, IS IT ANYONES/ANYONE WANT ONE?" I'm suuuure that only the rightful owner and NOBODY else would have stood up and claimed rightful responsibility. Yeah?
3. If I lost my phone, yeah, I wouldn't be happy, I'd want it back, but hell, I was out clubbing and drunk, chances are VERY slim to get it back, and ****, it was my own fault that I lost it because - I was out clubbing and drunk. cheers.
4. I believe in karma. The owner may have done something wrong, I do plenty of good things. Just the other day i donated 50c-75c to the local fundraising doorknockers. Heres my good karma.
5. Data would be my biggest grief too, @gilkisson, but this phone doesn't exactly have the largest wealth of information on it... not to mention the scratches on the screen and the back.
6. To the people yelling "ZOMG buy yur OWNZ" I stated I don't WANT an iphone, I just need an ipod. Thanks, God!

Love these forums.
I clearly lurk them often and know that people who spend a LOT of time breaking into the phones would hate people who happen to find them.

Didn't realise i had to spend $599-799 to have the right to be a scumbag.

You have quite the imagination there buddy...:rolleyes:
I find this very informative and entertaining, thanks for the help guys!

Just a few responses;
1. I know how mobileme works as I have friends who use and don't use it, and I know that this does NOT infact have it now. Even if it did, I don't exist fully in this plane of existance and therefor can not be found. Sucks to be me.
2. If I stood up at the bar with 50 or so people crammed around me and cried "O HAY GAIZ, I FOUNDED A IpHONE, IS IT ANYONES/ANYONE WANT ONE?" I'm suuuure that only the rightful owner and NOBODY else would have stood up and claimed rightful responsibility. Yeah?
3. If I lost my phone, yeah, I wouldn't be happy, I'd want it back, but hell, I was out clubbing and drunk, chances are VERY slim to get it back, and ****, it was my own fault that I lost it because - I was out clubbing and drunk. cheers.
4. I believe in karma. The owner may have done something wrong, I do plenty of good things. Just the other day i donated 50c-75c to the local fundraising doorknockers. Heres my good karma.
5. Data would be my biggest grief too, @gilkisson, but this phone doesn't exactly have the largest wealth of information on it... not to mention the scratches on the screen and the back.
6. To the people yelling "ZOMG buy yur OWNZ" I stated I don't WANT an iphone, I just need an ipod. Thanks, God!

Love these forums.
I clearly lurk them often and know that people who spend a LOT of time breaking into the phones would hate people who happen to find them.

Didn't realise i had to spend $599-799 to have the right to be a scumbag.

Sorry you are a scum bag. You found an iPhone. yes standing up in the bar would be worthless but all it takes to return the phone is a quick phone call to "home" or look at the call log and find some one in there with a name. Call them tell them you found the found and would like to return it. Karma is a bitch and you holding on to the phone is bad Karma.

I lost my cell once and the person who found it used the call log to call my GF in hopes of returning it to me. Guess what I got my phone back a few hours later.

Really you are an ass to steal that. Image if you lost your phone how much of a panic you would be in when you figure it out. It is a huge weight off one chest when it found and returned.

Oh and I would like to point out you are legally stealing.
I find this very informative and entertaining, thanks for the help guys!

Just a few responses;
1. I know how mobileme works as I have friends who use and don't use it, and I know that this does NOT infact have it now. Even if it did, I don't exist fully in this plane of existance and therefor can not be found. Sucks to be me.
2. If I stood up at the bar with 50 or so people crammed around me and cried "O HAY GAIZ, I FOUNDED A IpHONE, IS IT ANYONES/ANYONE WANT ONE?" I'm suuuure that only the rightful owner and NOBODY else would have stood up and claimed rightful responsibility. Yeah?
3. If I lost my phone, yeah, I wouldn't be happy, I'd want it back, but hell, I was out clubbing and drunk, chances are VERY slim to get it back, and ****, it was my own fault that I lost it because - I was out clubbing and drunk. cheers.
4. I believe in karma. The owner may have done something wrong, I do plenty of good things. Just the other day i donated 50c-75c to the local fundraising doorknockers. Heres my good karma.
5. Data would be my biggest grief too, @gilkisson, but this phone doesn't exactly have the largest wealth of information on it... not to mention the scratches on the screen and the back.
6. To the people yelling "ZOMG buy yur OWNZ" I stated I don't WANT an iphone, I just need an ipod. Thanks, God!

Love these forums.
I clearly lurk them often and know that people who spend a LOT of time breaking into the phones would hate people who happen to find them.

Didn't realise i had to spend $599-799 to have the right to be a scumbag.

I won't tell you anything bad man, u found it and that's it.

I bet if i lost my iphone, I LOST IT 4EVER!!!!!:eek:

They're a lot of crazy savages in the world, that would love an iphone.

I am not calling you that. Nor do I approve of this.
i was once an idiot, and left my iphone somewhere. i got a call a few hours later at home, from the people who work at the feed store......Lucky me, some people are sumaritans
well enjoy it, but i doubt u will. maybe u should sell it and buy yourself a
blackberry, u sound like that kinda guy. hahaha i think this is hilarious!
the fact that everybody is responding to this guy is giving him pleasure.
just leave him with his new iphone and lets carry on with the stuff that matters to us iphone lovers.

to him a repository is something he sticks up his ass when he is constipated!
as jobs says "love all, serve all", stick with the philosophy!
It cant be theft if someone lost it and you happen to pick it up. You think the police gives 2 sh$ts about a lost iPhone? Heck the cops themselves might end up keeping it. Seriously, no one cares about an iPhone as much as we do. Get over yourselves and continue to live your life.

Nice attitude you have, going places in life are you now, cross bar hotels are in your future
I find this very informative and entertaining, thanks for the help guys!

Just a few responses;
1. I know how mobileme works as I have friends who use and don't use it, and I know that this does NOT infact have it now. Even if it did, I don't exist fully in this plane of existance and therefor can not be found. Sucks to be me.
2. If I stood up at the bar with 50 or so people crammed around me and cried "O HAY GAIZ, I FOUNDED A IpHONE, IS IT ANYONES/ANYONE WANT ONE?" I'm suuuure that only the rightful owner and NOBODY else would have stood up and claimed rightful responsibility. Yeah?
3. If I lost my phone, yeah, I wouldn't be happy, I'd want it back, but hell, I was out clubbing and drunk, chances are VERY slim to get it back, and ****, it was my own fault that I lost it because - I was out clubbing and drunk. cheers.
4. I believe in karma. The owner may have done something wrong, I do plenty of good things. Just the other day i donated 50c-75c to the local fundraising doorknockers. Heres my good karma.
5. Data would be my biggest grief too, @gilkisson, but this phone doesn't exactly have the largest wealth of information on it... not to mention the scratches on the screen and the back.
6. To the people yelling "ZOMG buy yur OWNZ" I stated I don't WANT an iphone, I just need an ipod. Thanks, God!

Love these forums.
I clearly lurk them often and know that people who spend a LOT of time breaking into the phones would hate people who happen to find them.

Didn't realise i had to spend $599-799 to have the right to be a scumbag.

You can really live with yourself, for stealing someones iPhone?

Its a shame, and too think that you could have found the owner and returned it.

You'll answer for your actions one day down the road

First off, I'm thinking that you're some 15 year old kid with nothing much to do except make up stories and try to get a reaction. That's what I'm hoping for. If you're actually an a$$-clown that thinks this is good "karma", then I just pity you. You'll get yours. It's a good thing that everyone isn't a tool like you. I suppose you wouldn't return a wallet or purse to the rightful owner either. Just pitiful. Enjoy being a douche-bag.
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