I'm absolutely certain there are cases of that in here. In fact, you will notice that there is a group of certain forum members who are always quick to tag their 2 cents onto any bad report and fan the flames of discontent even though some of them don't even own a new iMac nor have any plans of purchasing one.
Personally, like you, if I got even 3 bad iMacs in a row I would probably have long since left for greener pastures. Those of us who got good machines on the first delivery often get accused of being fanboys for posting about it but going through 4+ returns is pretty hardcore dedication to a product/company if you ask me.
Oh, and my week 47 i7 continues to be problem-free and the best Mac I've ever owned.
Really would yah? What exactly would be greener pastures if your looking to avoid the PC world? Please explain?? I get tired of people like you claiming that people who have issues with iMacs are being to anal or picky. It's simple, for two grand I want a display with no issues!!