Calling them a thief.. ok not the right words to use
This is my whole point. I'm just saying you've got to watch the language. Calling somebody a thief = not good. Pointing out their app doesn't work in iOS4 should be fine.
Calling them a thief.. ok not the right words to use
This is my whole point. I'm just saying you've got to watch the language. Calling somebody a thief = not good. Pointing out their app doesn't work in iOS4 should be fine.
Can you not read?
For example - I know of a photo app that only works on the iPhone because it uses the gyroscope. It clearly states that in the description. Yet there are a bunch of bad reviews and "rants" from people who have the 3GS or 3G who are giving no stars and saying the app is broken, buggy, was a scam since it doesn't work, etc.
I think that this is mainly caused by the ridiculous prices we have to sell our apps. If an app costs 20$ then one probably will contact support if something is not working. If it costs 2$ why bother ?
I agree about the idiotic reviews.. but not about contacting the developer. There is no official way to contact the developer or report bugs, which is something Apple could do with.
I'd imagine it'd be good info for a developer too if they could see a crash percentage too, so they can see how many users are affected.
There is a link on iTunes on the app page. Apple should add the link on the AppStore app too. And many developer add a button into the app (I do).
Ah, wasn't aware of that. Could it be improved more..?We have this info in our private interface to iTunes. But the real problem is that most of the times issues are related to configuration or misunderstanding not to crashes.
Put it in the reviews.
May I ask everyone to think twice and try to contact support BEFORE leaving a review ?
The problem with reviews is that you don't know if the reviewer is honest, smart, etc. Since developers can't reply to reviews they can contain false statements.
Let's look at this maybe from a different angle:
I bought the 'Shopper' app about 2 years ago, when it was $2.99. It did everything I needed, and then some. It was great.
Well before iOS4 came out, they dropped the price on the 'Shopper' app to .99, and now mandate that if you want to get rid of advertisements AND their oh-so-helpful (read the last with sarcasm) TIPS, I have to shell out an additional $1.99 PER YEAR for a subscription.
If I'd paid .99 for the app to begin with, sure I could see shelling out an additional $1 for getting rid of the ads, but TIPS on how to use the program? Are you kidding me? If I hadn't paid money for it, I'd delete it off my phone.
So yeah, I feel a bit ripped off & let down by the developers - enough so that I revised my earlier rating of their program from 5 stars down to 2. Unfortunately, that's all I can do.
In the scheme of things - OS 4.0 hasn't been in the wild all to long on actual working phones. Have a LITTLE patience. Have some courtesy to at least email/contact the developer to gauge their update plan before "shaming then"
6 weeks and 2 updates, with a .1 version out on beta? obviously its been out long enough for the developer to write a version 2.
Let's look at this maybe from a different angle:
I bought the 'Shopper' app about 2 years ago, when it was $2.99. It did everything I needed, and then some. It was great.
Well before iOS4 came out, they dropped the price on the 'Shopper' app to .99, and now mandate that if you want to get rid of advertisements AND their oh-so-helpful (read the last with sarcasm) TIPS, I have to shell out an additional $1.99 PER YEAR for a subscription.