I'm wondering if there's any apps (Via cydia or otherwise) that allow text messages to be sent for free, using data connection or w/e, i don't care.
I have 2000 local texts (in my city in canada), and 6gb data..
i think it's like 25 cents to text to the states, and even more for overseas.. Also, it would be nice if the other person wasn't required to have an iphone, because a lot of my friends don't. Just free plain 'old text messages.
I have 2000 local texts (in my city in canada), and 6gb data..
i think it's like 25 cents to text to the states, and even more for overseas.. Also, it would be nice if the other person wasn't required to have an iphone, because a lot of my friends don't. Just free plain 'old text messages.