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I havent had a freeze yet but im sure its not gone yet.

Im using a samsung 830ssd, alot of people on here seemed to be having no issues with that ssd.. Its strange.. Theres only a few apple variants of eachline. Based on the scale of the issue, it seems small base, and very inconsistent.

So im doubtful. 10.8.1 fixes it.

Not every one of my freezes have happened when i used the dock. But 9 times out f 10 its been when i interacted with the dock. Im going to turn off magnification and give it ago, though i was more convinced its the nee ml dock skin all together.

Iv been browsing the apple suppprt forums. Some of you probably posted on there, because yeah.. Therss a handful of posts about this isssue.

The crash for me hasnt happened as much recently, but still occurs between 17- 72 hours. Except for lately.

Is anyone here with this problem NOT own an apple tv?
Ran into this on 8/25 with a brand new baseline Mac Mini. Figured it was the aftermarket RAM I installed, but 5 passes on AHT (long version) and two passes of Rember came up clean, so there's no indication the RAM is the issue.

I was using Chrome and clicked a dock icon when it "froze", the mouse was still responsive though. I checked the logs and saw the same "Debug info for *possible* hang in MAIN graphics engine" error that you guys are seeing.

It hasn't happened since, but who knows. I'm just leaving it on and waiting.

EDIT: The machine came with 10.8 pre-installed, so it was 100% fresh.
10.8.1 doesn't fix this issue.

If i use integrated graphic card... freeze

With discreet graphic card, no error.

Again: this is no ssd related issue, also no ram related issue

if you switch with gfxCardStatus to discreet graphic card, you will have no freeze.

I must admit, that in no regular Order my MacBook Pro (13" Mid-2009 / GeForce 9400M) also freezes. ML was installed on a blank SSD via USB Stick. No Interaction with the Desktop oder Dock is possible at that Time, the Mousepointer can still be moved for a little while. The whole Desktop get's distorted, that the only way of restoring to a workable State is the Shutdown. This is really annoying, as there is no Way of telling when it will happen. 10.8.1 doesn't fix this Problem, and under Lion everything was perfectly fine. No Hints in the log Files though. After 6 Years of belonging to the Apple Community, I must say "Apple, get your **** together and this must be fixed!".
I just had my first freeze on my dedicated graphics card (9600M). I have been running on it for about a week since my integrated one (9400M) was freezing multiple times a week. I was watching a YouTube video through Safari this time when it locked up.
I've just had the exact freeze for the third time this week on my 2011 13'' MBA. Cursor moving but system unresponsive, intermittent beachball and the dock icon graphics messed up. Nothing to do but force shutdown. I upgraded to Mountain Lion when it was already 10.8.1. :(

At least it looks like this isn't hardware related, sigh. I had Chrome running in all instances, but wasn't viewing Flash video now. I *did* however click on a dock item when the freeze happened. Ugh.

Is there any discussion about this in the Apple Support forums?
ETA - seems to be here:
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And it just happened again. :mad:

Is it really affecting so few people? This kind of bug should cause a major complaint.

ETA one more time. Something's getting triggered just by interacting with the dock. :(
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Same thing.

I'm experiencing this as well, it has been happening relatively frequently over the past few weeks, and happened twice this morning.

I have a late 2011 Macbook Pro (integrated graphics)

Latest ML 10.8.1 - this never happened with Lion.
found this thread by googling the error message "kernel[0]: stampWait: Overflowed checking for stamp 0xc29d95 on MAIN ring: called from" which i found in the console after the screen froze and i had to power cycle my mac. i have a 2012 13" macbook air, running mountain lion 10.8.2. this is the second time the freeze has happened. the first time, the mba actually unfroze itself after a minute or two. i was using safari both times.

i'm not sure if the first freeze happened before i updated from 10.8.1 to 10.8.2 or not.

just another data point...
its been a really long time since i last experienced it, its been at least 3 weeks but more likely over a month. im not sure if its fixed though. there are some things i didnt install again such as perian.

instead i'v been more focused on some other issues, i wonder if any of you are experiencing as well

i'm using a late 2011 15 inch base model MBP.

are any of you experiencing lag once your launchpad pages start to fill up? for me its mostly consistent, not always, but consistent enough. it just doesn't swim across the screen anymore when i swipe its pages, instead it look like it tries to, but at some point it just starts bopping along like its trying to slow down by gently tapping the 'breaks'! (analogy)

some other issues that are still on going for me in mountain lion is color profile switching when using certain programs. they will make the colour profile change to a more blue-tinted one and it only goes back to normal if i quit the culprit app that causes it.

also, mission control is usually very smooth if i have nothing or few windows open on a desktop, but if theres several on one desktop and i swipe through 3 different desktops, it begins to get choppy.


battery life hasn't been the same, i went back to lion to test if its just software and strangely it wasn't quite what it was before either.

i think i may be experiencing some kind of wi-fi issue too, when using skype, sometimes my call drops, and skype changes my status to offline, even though on the mac the wifi appears to be fine, most the time websites are still loading. its only for a moment but still annoying.
this i spart of the panic report i get after a crash, which has happened a lot after upgrading to ML. it mentions skype in the last line (the report was much longer) Does that mean skype is a culprit here? Im a newbee here and not a technical guy so kid gloves please ;)
nterval Since Last Panic Report: *96918 sec
Panics Since Last Report: * * * * *1
Anonymous UUID: * * * * * * * * * *7E0831CA-6961-4BA5-25A6-3A79A3988B96

Mon Oct *1 19:32:38 2012
Panic(CPU 1): Unresponsive processor (this CPU did not acknowledge interrupts) TLB state:0x0
RAX: 0xffffff802d4bebe8, RBX: 0xffffff802d4bebe8, RCX: 0xffffff802d4b92b8, RDX: 0x00000000ffffffff
RSP: 0xffffff81f449cdd0, RBP: 0xffffff81f449cdd0, RSI: 0x0000000000000007, RDI: 0x0000000000000000
R8: *0xffffff81f41ed078, R9: *0x0000000000000000, R10: 0x0000000000000000, R11: 0xffffff8055717000
R12: 0xffffff802d4b92b8, R13: 0x0000000000000000, R14: 0xffffff8055872000, R15: 0x0000000000000000
RFL: 0x0000000000000086, RIP: 0xffffff802ceb91ff, CS: *0x0000000000000008, SS: *0x0000000000000010
Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff81f449cc50 : 0xffffff802cebd371
0xffffff81f449cc80 : 0xffffff802ceb7203
0xffffff81f449ccd0 : 0xffffff802cece81b
0xffffff81f449cdd0 : 0xffffff802ce2b133
0xffffff81f449ce20 : 0xffffff802ce2c19c
0xffffff81f449ce60 : 0xffffff802ce2bf04
0xffffff81f449cea0 : 0xffffff802ce2bdd8
0xffffff81f449ced0 : 0xffffff802ce3f1fe
0xffffff81f449cf20 : 0xffffff802ceab1e9
0xffffff81f449cf50 : 0xffffff802cebd3ac
0xffffff81f449cf80 : 0xffffff802ceb7203
0xffffff81f449cfd0 : 0xffffff802cece6a8
0xffffff8043eabb00 : 0xffffff7fad59848f
0xffffff8043eabb30 : 0xffffff7fad596727
0xffffff8043eabb50 : 0xffffff802d266f53
0xffffff8043eabbb0 : 0xffffff802d264b8f
0xffffff8043eabd00 : 0xffffff802ce981e1
0xffffff8043eabe10 : 0xffffff802ce20aed
0xffffff8043eabe40 : 0xffffff802ce10448
0xffffff8043eabe90 : 0xffffff802ce1961b
0xffffff8043eabf00 : 0xffffff802cea59be
0xffffff8043eabfb0 : 0xffffff802ceceafe
* * *Kernel Extensions in backtrace:
* * * *[C3094550-7F58-3933-A4F7-CD33AE83F8B9]@0xffffff7fad573000->0xffffff7fad5c8fff
* * * * * *dependency:[9901C237-547C-3B52-99DE-C4870A19E2B5]@0xffffff7fad389000

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: Skype
I'm experiencing the same issue.. Mid 2010 17" MBP with discrete graphics card using 10.8.2. It usually happens when I'm using Chrome or Safari.. Is there anything we can do about this?
I'll chime in and say I just installed 10.8.5 on my e2008 Mac Pro w/ 5770 viddy and it freezes "constantly" ... I can't go more than a few minutes before it the mouse and keyboard lock up and I have to do a hard power down. It's odd because when I first press the power button to initiate the power down, I get a Quit/Restart/Logout diaglog, but am helpless to interact with it because of the dead i/o.

This seems to happen particularly when I use Chrome but I haven't narrowed it down to JUST Chrome.

Very frustrating and disabling hardware acceleration doesn't help. I'm almost certain it's a driver issue related to the ATI 5770 since Apple + video cards = suck, generally speaking.
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