I'm really getting bummed here. I was at the local Apple store tonight, just to see what was going on, and had a credit card ready for a new iMac. I've been thinking about this purchase for months, and I just couldn't do it, LOL.
Seriously, I have a perfectly fine Powermac sitting on my desk, and I'm wondering if I should hold of on this purchase until a real fix is out there. This is very depressing as, even though the G5 runs great, it is not allowing me to do a number of things I want to, like actually edit AVCHD video from my new cam.
I also don't want to buy a new iMac and NOT install Leopard right of the bat as I want a clean install. I know I could probably run Tiger for a while, but then I either have to "upgrade" or wipe and re-install.
Is there any glimmer of hope in getting a new iMac that will actually run Leopard without these issues? Or is waiting for a fix really the better way?
Sorry to thread jack, just really bummed out as I was ready to come home tonight with a new machine.