Yeah, this is why I find it so confusing. I've followed the instructions as I have seen them posted. There seems to be no reason why it doesn't work essentially right out of the box. I have all the current Nvidia files, current OSX, no cabling issues, no monitor problems and it just won't display.
I'm not an expert, but I've tried a number of methods outlined here. I'm really out of ideas at this point. I though it could be a 10.10.3 issue, but there's new Nvidia driver/CUDA files since the release. I'd be interested in hearing some other user experiences with 10.10.3 and the latest Nvidia files. A lot of posts predate these releases.
Did you read 5-6 posts up where a guy was also using Asus 750ti?
You should enable screen sharing and/or use another GPU at same time. See what is in system profiler about 750ti