3. GPU support seriously lags (1-2 generations)
4. Mac Pro refresh cycle is too long
While some might blame these on Apple's lack of commitment to this product, I'm almost entirely sure it is directly related to the extreme niche market the current Mac Pro plays in, and the extreme low volume of units sold and revenue made on this product line. If there's any truth to this, then a more streamlined, compact, affordable product like the one rumoured here, is likely to sell in much higher volumes, resulting in much more frequent refresh cycles.
Apple has a major contributing component but the Xeon E5 class infrastructure is not moving at a fast past. Intel skipped 2011 ; not really Apple ( not other workstation vendors did a major upgrade in 2011 either).
Moving down to the Xeon E3 would resync with Intel's yearly tick-tock schedule.
I don't think the volume increment that Apple will get from moving to a $500-700 cheaper box is going to be high enough to feed a 3rd party GPU market. But again it would bring the Mac Pro into alignment with the rest of the Mac line up which is on that yearly GPU bump cycle. I wouldn't expect the bleeding edge high end GPU cards though since again it is aligning more so with the yearly update mainstream market.
The GPU should smooth out when Apple and overall Win PC markets synch up on UEFI GOP ( graphics output protocol ). Over last several years it has been split with Apple on EFI and UGA (universal graphic adapter) and Win PC on BIOS. That was a major contributor to delays and small market size. Apple has come around to GOP and Win PC market has finally moved to UEFI as being primary target for new systems.
Benefits summarized:
- It can be offered at a more affordable entry point
It is not likely to be priced to engage in large fratricide with the iMac.
- It can offer unlimited expansion through TB
TB is not unlimited. 2 ports and 12 TB devices. You can put alot in those 12 devices but it is no where need unlimited.
- It can sell a LOT more units due to broader market appeal
I suspect it is more about survival by demonstrating growth than "sell a LOT more". Relative to iMac and MBP 13" sales it is still going to be quite small. Mac unit sales aren't going to spike upward. This may help with stopping the drop in overall Mac sales far more so than any growth.
To increase to broader appeal they can't go after the same exact set of folks though. Some folks would get dropped because there is another growing and/or larger group that would be looped in. They are not going to scoop up "everybody" with a single product.
- It will get more frequent refreshes with more current GPUs
If stick with E5 and its slower update cycle that would be one way to do a refresh each year without new CPUs to go to. New GPGPU performance numbers. However, that somewhat would depend upon Nvidia/AMD staying 180 out of phase with Intel's cycles.
If move to E3 than on same basic cycles as rest of the Mac line up.