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Light in the Dark

macrumors newbie
Sep 28, 2016

Update from LaCie...
As confirmed in other Forums and from Apple Support itself that is not true. They recieved all necessary informations and tools long time ago. I wonder if there will be ever a Update for LaCie Raid Manager. LaCie support is a mess.


macrumors newbie
Mar 3, 2021
Just today had a chat with G-tech:
Patrick S: I apologize for the inconvenience caused at this moment G Speed Shuttle is not compatible with Apple M1 Chipset , we are working to fix the issue and it will be fixed soon.


macrumors newbie
Jan 16, 2021
I've no idea why they are being so slow. It's obvious that the G-Speed Shuttle uses Promise technology. If you look at the Promise user manuals you can see that the G-SPEED Software Utility is exactly the same as the Promise one, just with a re-skinned UI. I have been using the G-Speed Raid quite intensively for the last two weeks on an edit in FCP - I'm an editor - with absolutely no problems whatsoever. Thank goodness for Promise getting the drivers written as soon as they could, so we can all get on with work!


macrumors newbie
Nov 26, 2022
I am currently on tech support with G-Technology and they believe that the G-Speed Shuttle TB3 is compatible with Apple Silicon M1 / Big Sur; however, I cannot get my drives to mount on the new M1 MacBook Pro. Has anyone had any luck mounting G-Technology RAID drives on their M1 Silicon machines?
I have a G-Studio so it’s not exactly your setup. But this may be worthwhile at least trying. It took me awhile to figure this out. Let me knkw if it works for you. I’ll update my WD forums post…


macrumors newbie
Oct 27, 2023
I have a G-Speed Shuttle RAID which also wouldn't mount on my M1 MacBook Pro - very disappointing. There is nothing on G-technology's website to help out. I managed to get it to work by downloading the new driver (R_MacDrv_V6_2_16) from the Promise website,

I think all the drivers are the same on that page.

The G-Speed made use of the Intel Ktext and now they have re-written it to work with M1 Macs. The install involves lowering the security at boot to load a non-Apple extension (there are very clear instructions downloadable from the Promise website) but quite frankly to get the RAID working, that's not a problem. It now works like it did before without issue for me - phew! I hope this helps as it was driving me nuts.
I know this is an old post, but I have an M2 Mac mini, and was having the same issues where my older G|Speed Studio XL drive would not mount. I followed the link you shared, and was able to install the driver, and success it mounted.

New issue though, when I open the drive the whole screen flashes hot pink and then restarts the whole computer. I've tried a could times with the same result. Any idea why this might be doing this? I feel like I took a step in the right direction, but still can't get access to the drive. Worried I might damage the drive.

I downloaded and installed the "Pegasus2 Series" Driver.
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