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macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
film slr
pol filter
that's all i remember


  • Chimney1b.jpg
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macrumors member
Jul 18, 2006
ipacmm said:
Location: Cincinnati, OH
wilburdl very nice shots of Cincinnati and great camera.

Thank you. But the last pic is from Cleveland;)

Abstract said:
That's an HDR, no?
Oh no... I've tried using HDR but I always seem to get better results using Ansel Adam's method :cool:


macrumors 68000
Dec 1, 2005
wilburdl said: and burn...

Okay. I used the Canon 24mm tilt/shift lens. Stitched 2 or 3 pics together. Dodge, burned sharpened, dropped in sky.

How's a tilt-shift work? I saw those on Canon's site, but I've not heard much about them.


macrumors 6502
Sep 15, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
seenew said:
How's a tilt-shift work? I saw those on Canon's site, but I've not heard much about them.
Shifting is easy to understand. When the lens is mounted on a camera, it's centralised: the framing of the picture centres the image on the sensor. By shifting the lens, you shift the part of the picture that is on the sensor. This allows you to take a full-frame shot of (say) a building, with the camera pointed directly at the object; normally, such a shooting direction would leave you with a lot of ground at the bottom of the picture, and the building in the top half. By shifting, you can get just the building, thereby getting the lines of the building in their "proper" perspective.

It might help if you think of the lens as casting a larger than usual image circle, and you're deliberately choosing the part of the picture to crop, before it even hits the sensor.

As for tilt: I don't know how it works, but I can tell you the effect: you can take a shot of (for example) a railway line, with the rails stretching out into the distance in perfect focus, with everything else above and below the lines being increasingly out of focus.

It'd be cool to learn exactly how the "tilt" part of the tilt-shift lens works, but I suspect the maths would really play merry hell with my brain.

I'd like to get my hands on a TS-E to play around with it, but I doubt I could justify the cost. Trippy lens; the only thing to remember is that they're manual focus only.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Ok, here's another 2 photos. I actually wanted to post another one because I think it's better, but since I posted it in Picture of the Day, I thought I'd post 2 other ones.

The first photo is more stairs. The one I posted in Picture of the Day is better, but I like this one more. The reason this one isn't my favourite is because of those 3 shadowy lines at the bottom of the photo, which sort of ruins things.

The other is of one of the buildings in an area with lots of big tall buildings.

Cloud9 said:
Nice shot Abstract, where is it from?

Looks like the arm of Unicron.

Looks like? :confused:


  • Watch your step.JPG
    Watch your step.JPG
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  • Caged.JPG
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macrumors 603
Jan 28, 2005
American Riviera
^^ Looking good, Abstract, I like both of these.

For my contribution, I thought I'd share some pictures from the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao taken in July. The first two are 'detail' kinds of shots, the third is a larger view of the building. Just an amazing design here, I'd love to see some more-artistic-than-me person's interpretation of it.





macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2004
I like this one. The Swiss Re "Gherkin" building in London on a very sunny July day. Stunning building.

Cropped to suit my new MacBook. :)


  • Gleaming Gherkin-small.JPG
    Gleaming Gherkin-small.JPG
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