Feel free to add me: Brüno Ta.
Doesn't work here with German-language keyboard.
Invalid nicknames.
301finest workes here, the other one: confirmed, invalid.
Feel free to add me: Brüno Ta.
Invalid nicknames.
Invalid nickname as of this post time and date.hi guys I'm new here.
Add me on GameCenter id : Mujtaba
<----- my user name is my game center name
That's a valid nickname. Try again, it works.Doesn't work here with German-language keyboard.Feel free to add me: Brüno
That's a valid nickname. Try again, it works.
anyone having issues with flight control achievements?
Curious, what is the problem?Yes. Thought it was just me. They are all out of wack. This is the only Game Center game I have so I thought it was a problem with Game Center. Guess not? Flight ControlV
Curious, what is the problem?
achievements don't save. they will register when playing the game but when you go into game centre, they are not there.