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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Jul 3, 2003
Anybody have a complete list on what kind of software instruments and loops we should expecting from GarageBand? I'm excited just thinking about it!

i also am very excited about it. i know that apple is including some loops from soundtrack, although its hard to tell which ones. subsets of drums, guitars, violin,cello, etc... just about every basic instrument, plus some others.

but there is no official list
you guys!! stop reminding me!! this is going to be the second longest two weeks of my life waiting for my iLife 04.


(The longest was waiting for my first Mac last year)
you better believe i ordered iLife '04 as soon as i saw the keynote. i've been looking for something exactly like GarageBand for a while now. something UNDER $250 that has that kind of functionality. so what does Apple do? release just what i'm looking for with a bunch of other updated apps that i love for $35 after shipping education price? man Apple rocks.
Just wanted to add in my $0.02 about GarageBand as well - can't wait for it! In my opinion, it's worth $49 on its own, let alone bundled with the other updated iLife apps! Who knows, I might even splurge and pick up the "expansion pack" for it as well! :cool:
Think ExoticFish is my clone or something.

My comment was going to read exactly like his.. and my setup looks to be exactly the same. Freaky shtuff.

If you didn't read his, I was kinda tempted to shell out for soundtrack after playing with it at an apple store. Thankfully, I was a bit short on funds at the time. Another disguised little blessing came when I killed my crummy GE speakers. I'm glad I got some nice speakers this time. Now all I need are some nice headphones for the wee hours.
I ordered it too,
but guess what - it will only be available in europe at the end of febuary, as a salesman told me.
no hesitation on my part...

the day it comes out i'll be at the shop to purchase iLife and the extra instruments cd...

no blinking...v

edit: ugh, y'all will have it before as i'm in belgium...lordy!
Originally posted by maradong
I ordered it too,
but guess what - it will only be available in europe at the end of febuary, as a salesman told me.
I dont think so, maradong. I am in Germany and I ordered it in the Apple store. My expected shipping is "2 - 3 weeks"... I hope they are right! :)
Originally posted by Kingsnapped
Think ExoticFish is my clone or something.

My comment was going to read exactly like his.. and my setup looks to be exactly the same. Freaky shtuff.

If you didn't read his, I was kinda tempted to shell out for soundtrack after playing with it at an apple store. Thankfully, I was a bit short on funds at the time. Another disguised little blessing came when I killed my crummy GE speakers. I'm glad I got some nice speakers this time. Now all I need are some nice headphones for the wee hours.

so YOU'RE my long lost clone?? cool, i was always wondering where he went off to. yeah i love soundtrack and was all ready to shell out the coin for it when i get my tax refund but now it's looking like i may be $300 richer come tax season. :)
I watched the keynote last night. After seeing what GarageBand there and what John and Steve did with it, it confirmed what I already thought. Of all the iLife and other iApps, it will stand head and shoulders above the others for quality, quantity and value.

After watching the keynote, I'd reckon I'd crawl over broken glass to get GarageBand - and even then be prepared to pay $100 for it alone!

This thing is gunna sell Macs! Even more so than iMovie does (I bought a Mac to get iMovie but woulda bought one sooner if they had GB back then)

PS Steve's mix amused me - showed how easy it is but also showed it helps to have an ear for music and some creativity to get the most out of GB. His mix was pretty ho-hum.
I think everyone here is on the same page. I was almost ready to fork over the cash for Soundtrack, too. In fact, if it weren't for my wife, Logic 6 Platinum might have been in my sights. Ideally, though, I wanted something under $250 that would have loops, lots of instruments, and the ability to record. Being fairly idiot-proof would have been a huge bonus.

Heck, I might even pick up an electric guitar some time in the future. My buddy has this thing called "Guitar Port" that is pretty neat. It has different amps and lets you jam along with other guitarists via PC. It's a hardware/software combo (around $200, I think) but it also has a low monthly fee. GarageBand would give you a similar experience for a fraction of the cost.

I also like the name.


P.S. By the way, can you export tracks from GarageBand to Logic?
My apologies if it has already been discussed in this forum, but I didn't feel like reading through ALL the posts. ;)

My question is, I assume you cannot do multi-track recording with GarageBand, i.e. record a live guitar AND live vocals? Only 1 input, is this correct?

Regardless, GarageBand it awesome - can't wait to get my hands on it. :cool:
Originally posted by ~Shard~
My apologies if it has already been discussed in this forum, but I didn't feel like reading through ALL the posts. ;)

My question is, I assume you cannot do multi-track recording with GarageBand, i.e. record a live guitar AND live vocals? Only 1 input, is this correct?

Regardless, GarageBand it awesome - can't wait to get my hands on it. :cool:

No, you CAN as I understand it anyway, ~Shard~.

From Apple's page (on the Record page, left side under Get Real):

You can connect microphones or instruments to your Mac and record the various parts of your composition on different tracks. You can even try using your Mac¡¯s built-in mic. Once you let GarageBand know what you¡¯re recording, you¡¯ll feel the presence of a personal recording engineer.


<Edit: After re-reading your post, I figured out that you probably meant at the same time. Hence your use of the word "live", eh? Hmmm...don't know. Sorry.>
Originally posted by Squire
No, you CAN as I understand it anyway, ~Shard~.

From Apple's page (on the Record page, left side under Get Real):

You can connect microphones or instruments to your Mac and record the various parts of your composition on different tracks. You can even try using your Mac¡¯s built-in mic. Once you let GarageBand know what you¡¯re recording, you¡¯ll feel the presence of a personal recording engineer.


<Edit: After re-reading your post, I figured out that you probably meant at the same time. Hence your use of the word "live", eh? Hmmm...don't know. Sorry.>

Yes, I was referring to simultaneously, but thanks for you help regardless. :)
Originally posted by ~Shard~
My question is, I assume you cannot do multi-track recording with GarageBand, i.e. record a live guitar AND live vocals? Only 1 input, is this correct?

Looking at Squire's quote from the GB page, "...You can connect microphones or instruments to your Mac and record the various parts of your composition on different tracks. You can even try using your Mac’s built-in mic..."

It's ambiguous coz it still doesn't say "at the same time"...

Of course, logic says that to record simultaneous audio multitrack would require multiple audio inputs... My PB only has one audio in. and I think most macs only have one.

But on the other hand, I imagine there's usb or firewire devices that do multiple audio lines in, each able to go to their own track... there's things like that on the accessories page.

The example scenarios they give, each are about individuals (Beth, Daniel, Kathy) and in each case they lay down one audio track at a time.

It will be interesting to see...

The first person to get their mitts on GB so has to get some screenshots up - if they can drag themselves away from it! :D
Hey? I just found out GB needs a DVD (to install) & 256Mb. :( It will mean minimum eMac is underspecced for the s/w that will come on it.

Hope you guys all have the necessary spec.
Originally posted by ChrisH3677

It will be interesting to see...

The first person to get their mitts on GB so has to get some screenshots up - if they can drag themselves away from it! :D

I'll be one of the many people who will be getting their hands on a copy as soon as humanly possible, so if I can post some screengrabs, I definitely will! :cool:
It indeed can record two tracks, Apple is such geniuses they bent over backwards to make sure Garageband works with low end (but perfectly decent) recording hardware like the Mbox by Digidesign, which has two tracks in. So Apple had to have worked with existing software to write it's ability to see such things, I mean, it makes-a me grin to think the actual effort and thought Apple put in on this one! You know, just like Microsoft would do [COUGH COUGH!]
Originally posted by Photorun
It indeed can record two tracks, Apple is such geniuses they bent over backwards to make sure Garageband works with low end (but perfectly decent) recording hardware like the Mbox by Digidesign, which has two tracks in. So Apple had to have worked with existing software to write it's ability to see such things, I mean, it makes-a me grin to think the actual effort and thought Apple put in on this one! You know, just like Microsoft would do [COUGH COUGH!]

If this is indeed correct, that's AWESOME! Now I can't wait even more for my new GarageBand! :cool:

Thanks for the post. Can anyone else verify/contradict this? Just curious...
Originally posted by ~Shard~
If this is indeed correct, that's AWESOME! Now I can't wait even more for my new GarageBand! :cool:

Thanks for the post. Can anyone else verify/contradict this? Just curious...

That is definitely cool. I can't wait to get my mitts on that app. Just out of curiosity, I wonder if Arn is going to make a new GarageBand-themed website?


P.S. Happy b-day, ~Shard~.
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