Originally posted by Tulse
I think the problem arises precisely because GarageBand isn't a general-purpose MIDI sequencer -- it is a music-production application for novices. Yes, it has some MIDI capability, as it has some loop capability and some software amp capability, but the object of the app is not to be a MIDI sequencer, or loop manipulator, or general software amp. Instead, the object is to allow novices to produce sophisticated-sounding music pieces within the application.
What happens when they outgrow the application? Wouldn't it be nice if they could upgrade to a pro app and import their songs into it? If not the whole song, than at least individual midi sequences and aif loops?
Or do you think it's okay that users that quickly outgrow Garageband basically have to throw away any work they've done in Garageband and start over!?
Let me tell you... I've been writting midi based music for over ten years, and I have found that re-creating a complex midi sequence from memory is a near impossible task.
At any rate, I'm done here. It's obvious that most of you are guitarists who don't understand (or care about) the importance of midi.