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what do u think was? offered free services, and artists were capable of making money by selling singles or albums. aside from being 'garageband produced' , what is this service offering? Fill me in, im interested, but I just want to know what would be different.
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ratspg said: offered free services, and artists were capable of making money by selling singles or albums. aside from being 'garageband produced' , what is this service offering? Fill me in, im interested, but I just want to know what would be different.

I personally never visited, but I know it's down at this point. GarageSale Music Store would be quite similar to by the sound of it. However, I may not do the site after all. I'll post why in a bit.
i can't imagine buying music from any of the GB artists i've heard on the web. for one thing, all the songs sound the same. they all use the same bundled loops and sounds that come with GB. second, many of the tunes are rather lame. i know it's a learning tool and all that but i don't see the fun in listening to someone learn. would you pay money to watch a band practice? and lastly, the production quality coming out of most of these recordings is pretty bad. and there is no mastering whatsoever. i couldn't imagine someone releasing an album like this. there is way more to making music than putting loops together until they make a song. i think the only people who are psyched on these tunes are other people using GB. if there are enough of you out there to make money with this than go to town. i don't know any real music fans who will be spending money there though. also, who is handling all the legal matters? like copyright, licensing, etc. who's stopping people from just stealing this music and doing whatever they want with it? are the artists going to be required to join ASCAP or anything?
tjwett said:
i can't imagine buying music from any of the GB artists i've heard on the web. for one thing, all the songs sound the same. they all use the same bundled loops and sounds that come with GB. second, many of the tunes are rather lame. i know it's a learning tool and all that but i don't see the fun in listening to someone learn. would you pay money to watch a band practice? and lastly, the production quality coming out of most of these recordings is pretty bad. and there is no mastering whatsoever. i couldn't imagine someone releasing an album like this. there is way more to making music than putting loops together until they make a song. i think the only people who are psyched on these tunes are other people using GB. if there are enough of you out there to make money with this than go to town. i don't know any real music fans who will be spending money there though. also, who is handling all the legal matters? like copyright, licensing, etc. who's stopping people from just stealing this music and doing whatever they want with it? are the artists going to be required to join ASCAP or anything?

If you think GB music all sounds the same, with bad production quality, you obviosuly haven't heard GarageBands songs like this. (Yes, it was done in GarageBand)
hotwire132002 said:
If you think GB music all sounds the same, with bad production quality, you obviosuly haven't heard GarageBands songs like this. (Yes, it was done in GarageBand)

Well, that's not such a good example. I wouldn't want to buy the track. Some issues:

  • Offering this cover for download without a license from the original copyright holder is illegal, AFAIK. Even when it's for free.
  • Very clearly MIDI Guitar. Lacking dynamics. (All strings, all chords have the same velocity? Hello!?). Especially bad: What is supposed to be the 16th chord strumming patterns. Sounds more like a record stuck.
  • Very clearly MIDI drums. Lacking dynamics also (especially bad: the tom breaks). Plus I find the drum licks much too cheesy.
  • The intonation of the voices is audibly off.
  • Tracks are not so well-aligned in the mix.
  • etc. etc.

I don't want to imply anything about their or my own talent by criticizing the song, just want to show the issues. Also, I'm a bassist so I can't forgive them the bad bass slide at the beginning :p
hotwire132002 said:
However, I may not do the site after all. I'll post why in a bit.

I think that would be a very wise decision. I've listened to a lot of the songs on the free GarageBand muisc sites, and there have only been a couple that I would even remotely consider paying for (and they were both by the same guy). Considering a lot of people still have trouble paying 99 cents for 'professional' tracks from the iTMS, I think you'd have a hard time convincing people to pay for home-brewed GarageBand tracks. And if your store was even moderately successful, you'd need to hire an accouting staff to keep track of the royalty payments... and a legal staff to watch out for copyright infringment... perhaps a bigger project than you origanlly had in mind.
hotwire132002 said:
If you think GB music all sounds the same, with bad production quality, you obviosuly haven't heard GarageBands songs like this. (Yes, it was done in GarageBand)

meh. well, it's obviously a good SONG. it was written by a Beatle for crying out loud! however, this version is not something to get all chubby about. yeah, the guy has a decent voice and all that but what about the instrumentation? the drums are wack and most of it sounds like some kind of GM (General MIDI) synth. further more, selling this on a website for money would land someone in MAJOR trouble.
powermac99 said:
How about this song:

It's well made, no loops, and has very high quality.

well made? yes. no loops? i wouldn't say that. do you think there is actually someone playing those drums? even the Rhodes sounds like it could be loops. very high quality? well, if most of the instrumentation was indeed played by hand, then yes, the quality of the musicianship is decent. but, consider it as an artist release, sounds a bit cheezay doesn't it? if it were in a record store it would be in the "easy listening" section.

not to crap on the person who made it or anything, the playing (if it's real) is pretty good. but again, it's not very original in style or composition, or anything. it's basically the music you would hear on an infomercial or on the channel that shows you the t.v. listings. there is of course a market for this kind of music, there are many musicians who make this type of music and sell it for uses like i mentioned above. but people aren't exactly carrying this kind of stuff around in their iPod or following easy listening acts around on tour.

another thing to consider is that most sounds in GB come with preset settings and fx already on them. the loops were recorded professionally and were polished before they even hit your hands. so, it's kind of hard to NOT sound decent. and the greatest thing about synths and samplers is creating your own sounds, ones that never existed before.
Though it may be that this would never get off the ground (at least not as a GB-only concept) I did have an idea on pricing.

Do it the same way the big corps do it: Ad-supported, free-to-the-listener radio, and then a store to buy what you like. Any artist who signs up must agree to have their stuff put up on the site's streaming radio station, then if you like what you hear, you go to the store part and buy the track.

Sure, anyone can use a utility to rip the webcast or put a file they buy up on the file-sharing networks, but they're not the ones who want to support the artists anyway.

Of course, such speculation's all probably moot now. :(
GarageBand iTMS

hotwire132002 said:
I do a lot of web design, and I'm wondering if people would be interested if I set up an indie iTMS (call it iNdie? Tell me if you have a better name!) anyway, I thought it could post independant artists' GarageBand songs (like this one) and charge somewhere in the range of $.49 per song, with all going to the artist. If I set up a site like this, would anyone be interesting in using it?

YESS!!!!! :D My wife has a CD/DVD for sale.

Are you familiar with It has nothing to do with Apple, but very interesting website. You review artists songs for the option to upload your own. The more you review the more songs you can upload.

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