hope the retail stores have a guitar on the rack
garage band sounds really awesome for someone like me, a university student who has an old analog 4-track and would like to move up to something better (and, oh yeah, happens to have a computer formerly worth 2 grand with processing power to spare)
my experience with computer-based recording, however, is that the latency is noticeable. i tried to record a demo for the talent contest senior year of high school (3 years ago, on a performa 6400) and the lag was bad enough to ruin the song..i mended it by intentionally playing behind the beat, then shifting over the part i recorded so it lined up with the other parts. it was good enough to show my partners their parts, but not good enough for anything else.
the guitar model for the midi keyboard is astounding, however..not that i would ever use it, but it shows that the midi instruments are very sophisticated.
and the guitar amps sounded pretty darn good, of course its hard to say they were great when i'm listening on a 300kbps streaming broadcast.
this really has me torn, since i was going to get a digital 8-track with built-in amp models (the GNX3, for those who are interested), but now i could save quite a bit of money if this thing works as advertised.
oh yeah, i almost forgot the subject of my message...before i buy in, i need to hear and see this thing live, so i hope they have a les paul on a stand next to the G5 in the store...hoowah