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I've been trying for the past 2 days to learn whether or not one can record multiple tracks at a time or if this is limited to a single track at a time? Stereo tracks? Or, only mono single tracks?

Is there no one at MacWorld who can run down to the floor and ask for me?


hope the retail stores have a guitar on the rack

garage band sounds really awesome for someone like me, a university student who has an old analog 4-track and would like to move up to something better (and, oh yeah, happens to have a computer formerly worth 2 grand with processing power to spare)

my experience with computer-based recording, however, is that the latency is noticeable. i tried to record a demo for the talent contest senior year of high school (3 years ago, on a performa 6400) and the lag was bad enough to ruin the song..i mended it by intentionally playing behind the beat, then shifting over the part i recorded so it lined up with the other parts. it was good enough to show my partners their parts, but not good enough for anything else.

the guitar model for the midi keyboard is astounding, however..not that i would ever use it, but it shows that the midi instruments are very sophisticated.

and the guitar amps sounded pretty darn good, of course its hard to say they were great when i'm listening on a 300kbps streaming broadcast.

this really has me torn, since i was going to get a digital 8-track with built-in amp models (the GNX3, for those who are interested), but now i could save quite a bit of money if this thing works as advertised.

oh yeah, i almost forgot the subject of my message...before i buy in, i need to hear and see this thing live, so i hope they have a les paul on a stand next to the G5 in the store...hoowah
Originally posted by amnesiac1984

It is an interesting point about logic audio not being an Apple branded product. I guess there is a dilema between keeping the legendary status of Emagic who is known by pro's for their quality software or convert it to the legendary status of Apple which is known to the rest of the world as being a great company.

I don't think it is necessary, and besides logic is developed in germany and it works great as it is. Calling it Apple would probably mean bringin git over to the states and changing staff and we may lose some of its greatness.

I think what the Logic products should be co-branded between Apple and Emagic...and make the upgrade path more clear.

Once you are done playing with iMovie, you can step up to Final Cut Express, and when you get really serious move to Final Cut Pro.

iDVD to DVD Studio Pro...

GarageBand needs that upgrade path clarified for its users. As people become more and more serious about there musical production they should feel that they have a similar path that the film/video people have now.

Like I said, maybe its as simple as changing the box to white and putting both Apple and Emagic on it.

Apple should fold together Soundtrack and Logic Express into a second step musical production as the musical version of Final Cut Express...and use it as a way for people who are serious about there music to eventually step up into Logic Platinum. Right now on the Apple Store (online) you have these Apple/Emagic choices: Garageband (as part of iLife 04) $49, Soundtrack $299, Logic Gold Production Kit $649 and Logic Platinum 6.0 $699.

Clearly Soundtrack is positioned at the right price point at $299 to become the step up from GarageBand. Compare the two...and aside from the ability to sync video, GarageBand wins...Soundtrack is nearly a year doesn't take much effort to imagine Soundtrack 2.0 becoming Soundtrack/Logic Express.
Re: hope the retail stores have a guitar on the rack

Originally posted by savar
oh yeah, i almost forgot the subject of my message...before i buy in, i need to hear and see this thing live, so i hope they have a les paul on a stand next to the G5 in the store...hoowah

I was disappointed that there were no guitars hooked up at Macworld for people to try. Only keyboards. The live demos they are doing on stage do include guitar recording, and I didn't notice any latency between the playing and the actual sound. (Yes, I know they were probably using G5s... I just hope my Cube gets similar results).
Originally posted by TheAnswer
I think what the Logic products should be co-branded between Apple and Emagic...and make the upgrade path more clear.

Once you are done playing with iMovie, you can step up to Final Cut Express, and when you get really serious move to Final Cut Pro.

iDVD to DVD Studio Pro...

GarageBand needs that upgrade path clarified for its users. As people become more and more serious about there musical production they should feel that they have a similar path that the film/video people have now.

Like I said, maybe its as simple as changing the box to white and putting both Apple and Emagic on it.

Apple should fold together Soundtrack and Logic Express into a second step musical production as the musical version of Final Cut Express...and use it as a way for people who are serious about there music to eventually step up into Logic Platinum. Right now on the Apple Store (online) you have these Apple/Emagic choices: Garageband (as part of iLife 04) $49, Soundtrack $299, Logic Gold Production Kit $649 and Logic Platinum 6.0 $699.

Clearly Soundtrack is positioned at the right price point at $299 to become the step up from GarageBand. Compare the two...and aside from the ability to sync video, GarageBand wins...Soundtrack is nearly a year doesn't take much effort to imagine Soundtrack 2.0 becoming Soundtrack/Logic Express.

If anything GarageBand should be considered the entry-level app to Logic Express which already exists. It can be bought in the bookstore for $30. The next step up from Logic Express is Logic Audio. Thus the order should go: GarageBand($10)>Logic Express($30)>LogicAudio($229)>
SoundTrack ($299) doesn't even belong in the conversation. It is not a music creation tool so much as a looper with a video player in it. It doesn't support MIDI, ReWire, or software instruments. If it did it would have struck interest with musicians. It didn't. You say SoundTrack 2 should integrate with Logic. To do what? Create an entirely new UI so that when people do upgrade the software makes no sense? Not a good idea. I would hate to buy something called Logic Express and learn it only to find that it looks and works nothing like Logic Audio. Even GarageBand bears zero resemblence to Logic. Not even a little bit. Because it's not part of the same family and is not meant to be. Yes, it might spark some interest in someone to get serious about making music on their computer and want to start on Logic but when they do it's not gonna look, act, or smell anything like it. If you want to one day use Logic Platinum then you should be using Logic Audio (formerly called Logic Silver) or Gold. SoundTrack and GarageBand will do little for you.
Originally posted by Timothy
I've been trying for the past 2 days to learn whether or not one can record multiple tracks at a time or if this is limited to a single track at a time? Stereo tracks? Or, only mono single tracks?

Is there no one at MacWorld who can run down to the floor and ask for me?



Repeating my call...anyone? anyone? Multiple track recording? So that one could, for example, record their guitar and vocals at the same time.'re there, right? Can you swing by the booth ask someone? Please?
Originally posted by tjwett
If anything GarageBand should be considered the entry-level app to Logic Express which already exists. It can be bought in the bookstore for $30. The next step up from Logic Express is Logic Audio. Thus the order should go: GarageBand($10)>Logic Express($30)>LogicAudio($229)>

Well if an progression path exists, Apple really needs to make it clear. Since Logic Express apparently isn't a Emagic product, Apple has no interest in getting us to buy it. But why Logic Audio and Logic Gold (standalone, not the production bundle) aren't offered on the online Apple Store is beyond me.

As I said in one of my earlier posts, I'm not a musician...I know how Apple has set up the video side to have a progression of products from simple to advanced...and now that Steve is after budding musicians as well as filmmakers, I'm just hoping that Apple makes the same kind of progression in their software a little more obvious. As another poster said earlier, the long term goal of GarageBand is to sell more Logic Platinum boxes...I'm just saying Apple needs to make it easier for budding musicians to see that Logic is the choice.

As for are so right about it's limitations...No MIDI support is the biggest one...I'm hoping that version 2.0 will be more robust because if they add in MIDI support and virtual instruments, It's all the music program I need. Having said that, if they throw a video sync preview in GarageBand, it's pretty much all the program I need.
OK...I finally found my answer. A guy over at the Forums on went to the show floor and played with Garageband.

Single-track recording is all that is offered; either stereo or mono. So, one can't track vocals and guitar at the same time.

Nonetheless, this app is great, perhaps becuase of its limitations. I am a producer, working with several singer/songwriter types who have been nothing but frustrated with trying to work in the technology world when all they want to do is create music.

GarageBand gives me a tool to turn them onto that should be very easy to understand and use.

But, here's to hoping that version 2 offers multitrack recording. ;-)
Originally posted by TheAnswer
Well if an progression path exists, Apple really needs to make it clear. Since Logic Express apparently isn't a Emagic product, Apple has no interest in getting us to buy it. But why Logic Audio and Logic Gold (standalone, not the production bundle) aren't offered on the online Apple Store is beyond me.

That's simple. Apple to us is essentially a retailer unlike any other. Retailers do a lot of their business based on the ignorance of the consumer, just the way it is. They offer Platinum because it is the most expensive. It's that simple. I can count about 10 people I know personally who purchased Logic Platinum from Apple thinking that's what Logic was. They didn't have a clue that Audio or Gold even existed. This happens more than you would imagine. It's also the reason emagic has always upgraded Logic Platinum first. Some jump at the newer version number while some just don't realize more are on the way.

As for are so right about it's limitations...No MIDI support is the biggest one...I'm hoping that version 2.0 will be more robust because if they add in MIDI support and virtual instruments, It's all the music program I need. Having said that, if they throw a video sync preview in GarageBand, it's pretty much all the program I need.

Now you're getting into the apps stepping on eachothers toes again. MIDI will never make into SoundTrack. If they suddenly add all the features of Logic into SoundTrack then where does that leave Logic? You should listen to your needs. You say you want MIDI support and virtual instruments and video sync. Sounds like what you need is Logic Audio. Has all three with plenty more features to grow into. Why would someone buy SoundTrack ($299) and GarageBand ($49) when they could start out with Logic Audio ($229 and Big Box bundle comes with a bunch of extra synths and a mean sampler) and have all the features they want and then some for less money? I really wouldn't waste my time waiting for SoundTrack to add MIDI or soft synth support, not gonna happen. And I wouldn't waste my time trying to squeeze pro results out of GarageBand, not gonna happen either. Just go buy the Logic Audio Big Box and get down to business. It's got everything you're asking for, including extremely capable tools for video scoring. And consider that emagic has amazing customer support and easy upgrades with awesome upgrade pricing, which Apple surely does not.
Nobody seems to be addressing this, so maybe it's an obvious question, but how many tracks of multitrack AUDIO does GarageBand support? I understand you can only record one at a time, but does the "64 tracks" apply to recorded audio? I have seen a few other programs (can't remember which... cakewalk metro maybe?) that had different limitations between midi and audio on how many tracks you can use. Apple's descriptions don't say anything specific about this, as they spend most of the time talking about
virtual instruments, loops, and midi, but all they say about audio is about how you can go back "in the same track" and re-record something. What I really need is a simple, cheap, multi-track audio recording app. If this won't do that, then what's my best bet? Hit Kit / Logic "Express" ?
tjwett... someone who almost bought Logic Platinum once on a whim, I know that you are right! I didn't know Audio or Gold existed.

I should probably take your advice (although it looks like if I want SMPTE support I'll have to go Gold). Do all versions of Logic have the video thumbnail feature? (I know Platinum does).

I think the majority of the problem is that I'm not a musician, and I'm afraid that any program I get is gonna be overkill and it's gonna seem like I'm using 20% of a really powerful program and not 90-100% of a program that could meet my needs (but, I admit, does not exist).
Originally posted by TheAnswer
tjwett... someone who almost bought Logic Platinum once on a whim, I know that you are right! I didn't know Audio or Gold existed.

I should probably take your advice (although it looks like if I want SMPTE support I'll have to go Gold). Do all versions of Logic have the video thumbnail feature? (I know Platinum does).

I think the majority of the problem is that I'm not a musician, and I'm afraid that any program I get is gonna be overkill and it's gonna seem like I'm using 20% of a really powerful program and not 90-100% of a program that could meet my needs (but, I admit, does not exist).

All versions of Logic have the video thumbnail as well as the standard floating video window.

I appreciate your concern for not using an app to it's full potential. While it's good to plan for the future, it can also be a waste to learn things that may never get used.

This is slightly off the subject but have you ever tried Ableton Live? It's nothing short of amazing. My experience with it has been so great that I actually have basically dropped Logic altogether for 99% of my work in favor of Live. It's got SMPTE, it supports 24/96 audio, it has MIDI connectivity (although it is not a traditional MIDI sequencer), and the things you can do with audio will blow you away. Plus I don't think it there is an easier program out there to use. Did I mention it's also virtually uncrashable? While it does not directly support software instruments, it does support ReWire which opens the doors to alot of stuff, including video syncing.

What about something like Reason? Anyway, I'm getting off course here. So, are your SMPTE needs based around your video hardware? Because there are workarounds for that so you don't need to buy Gold. I've never had much luck with striping SMPTE myself.
Originally posted by ideapower
What I really need is a simple, cheap, multi-track audio recording app. If this won't do that, then what's my best bet? Hit Kit / Logic "Express" ?

Buy a copy of the UK magazine "Computer Music". Every issue comes with a cover disk that includes there very own free software studio. Audio/MIDI sequencer, a very nice sampler, and a bunch of synths. You could literally have a fully operational setup for the price of the mag. The freebies on this CD will blow away GarageBand as far as real music creation tools go. You'll VST support for synths and effects, capable MIDI sequencer, multitrack audio recording. And as a bonus you've got the best publication for all this stuff to look through. You'll find reviews, tutorials, and a bunch of other useful info that will help you decide what you want to actually spend your money on. Trust me, if you are planning to make some real music then take your time and research you possibilities. There are PLENTY out there that can kick GarageBand's ass for little or no money. I promise you, once you've played with GB for a week and those presets and bundled loops have gotten boring there will be no where to go but elsewhere. I think any user with more than a smattering of computer knowledge and the desire to create some quality tunes will start to feel GarageBands limitations faster than they realize now.

I've actually got Reason lying around here somewhere (just haven't reinstalled it since I clean installed 10.3). I haven't put it to any good use, just played with it.

Live was something I thought about buying last year but passed up when Soundtrack came free with FCP and filled all the needs I had at the time.

I didn't even notice Live 3 had come out and am downloading the demo now.

If I'm gonna do this right, It's probably time to dust off the ole keyboard and actually learn to play again before I buy anything though.
Originally posted by TheAnswer

I've actually got Reason lying around here somewhere (just haven't reinstalled it since I clean installed 10.3). I haven't put it to any good use, just played with it.

Live was something I thought about buying last year but passed up when Soundtrack came free with FCP and filled all the needs I had at the time.

I didn't even notice Live 3 had come out and am downloading the demo now.

If I'm gonna do this right, It's probably time to dust off the ole keyboard and actually learn to play again before I buy anything though.

wait, so you've got Reason just sitting around collecting dust!?? shame on you. get that thing installed right away and start jamming. Reason is no toy ya know, i have a buddy who makes a very good living doing scores for video using nothing but Reason. i know if i had Reason the absolute no question next thing i would buy to go with it would be Ableton Live. seriously. you gotta realize the power of the two together. this is the combo that has made waves and got tons of people psyched on making music with a computer again. for me it has replaced thousands of dollars of hardware and the hassle of using Logic all the time. you've got Reason, you gotta get a nice ReWire buddy to go with it. you'll get more done in ten minutes with the Reason/Live combo than you would using GarageBand or SoundTrack for the rest of your life. if you want to make something original the easy and fun way, that's Live and Reason. if you want to make something original the hard way (but maybe worth it) that's Logic. if you want to fart around with a thousand premade audio loops and a bunch of synth presets well, then that stinks. and that's GarageBand.
Originally posted by Timothy
OK...I finally found my answer. A guy over at the Forums on went to the show floor and played with Garageband.

Single-track recording is all that is offered; either stereo or mono. So, one can't track vocals and guitar at the same time.

Couldn't one simply adjust the pan settings on the stereo track and get 2 mono tracks? It sounds like a 2 track recorder to me.

And Apple better freakin' support firewire CoreAudio devices. Afterall, they build firewire into all their computers. It would be ridiculous to limit GarageBand to USB devices only.
Re: hope the retail stores have a guitar on the rack

Originally posted by savar

this really has me torn, since i was going to get a digital 8-track with built-in amp models (the GNX3, for those who are interested), but now i could save quite a bit of money if this thing works as advertised.


in fact I have the GNX3 and I don't see that with Garageband you come even near the possibilities you have with the GNX3. Beside that you have endless options in terms of different kind of amps, and effects you can record voice and guitar on the same time. A little bit annoying is the fact that you are limited to 128MB of memory cards which gives you not to much recording time.

And yes. I have already ordered GarageBand because I think its a great app.
GarageBand looks awesome. It should hopefully encourage beginner musicians to look at macs, since GarageBand is more advanced than some other budget-end audio production software available on the Windows platform
Re: You guys suck...

Originally posted by jcroft

Apple may SAY it's for everyone, but clearly it's entry-level. Even pros (like, Sheryl Crow in the video) can use entry-level tools sometimes.

Complaining about this is just silly. It's like complaining that the iMac isn't as powerful as the PowerMac G5. Get over it, or go buy Logic.

Quit your bitching.

I agree completely.

I am a semi-pro musician and movie maker, but at the end of the day I am not going to be using Final Cut Pro, Logic, and DVD Studio Pro for my home movies.

iApps are not designed to "entry-level" programs. They are designed to be for Personal Use.

I am sure when Sheryl Crow wants to add some background music to her home videos, she doesn't spend a day in the Studio. Likewise, I wouldn't be suprised to see and iDVD by Steven Spielberg.
Originally posted by Garissimo
Couldn't one simply adjust the pan settings on the stereo track and get 2 mono tracks? It sounds like a 2 track recorder to me.

And Apple better freakin' support firewire CoreAudio devices. Afterall, they build firewire into all their computers. It would be ridiculous to limit GarageBand to USB devices only.

Yeah...I was thinking the same thing about getting two tracks. But, I didn't want to confuse those for whom Garage Band seems to be focused. I know that with my wife, she'll want as simple a solution as she can find, one that let's her know next to nothing about computers, plugin, hit record, and she's on her way.

But yeah, it should at least be doable to record two mono tracks at once.
According to a fellow on Apple's Dicussion boards you CAN record two mono tracks at the same time with a device, just not the built in audio input. Hope this link works

Originally posted by tjwett
wait, so you've got Reason just sitting around collecting dust!?? shame on you. get that thing installed right away and start jamming. Reason is no toy ya know, i have a buddy who makes a very good living doing scores for video using nothing but Reason. i know if i had Reason the absolute no question next thing i would buy to go with it would be Ableton Live. seriously. you gotta realize the power of the two together. this is the combo that has made waves and got tons of people psyched on making music with a computer again.

Thanks for the pep talk. I'm searching for my copy of Reason right now. Even playing around with the Live demo, I could see they would pair awesomely. I'm probably gonna hold off on Live at least until the new G5s are announced, but at least its in the purchase que now.

Well...if the GarageBand introduction did nothing else, at least it got me (and I'm sure lots of others) thinking about my own music creation needs and looking for tools that fit the bill (even if they don't come in a white box with an Apple logo on it).

Thanks again for all the advice.
Originally posted by TheAnswer
Well...if the GarageBand introduction did nothing else, at least it got me (and I'm sure lots of others) thinking about my own music creation needs and looking for tools that fit the bill (even if they don't come in a white box with an Apple logo on it).

Good point.

For a lot of people, searching and looking and trying lots of programs is a big hassle - we just want something that works and is easy to run.

There are too many confusing 'tools' out there. One guy says here, get reason and then you need Ableton Live - another guy says get Logic, another says....I'm sure they all mean well, but it doesnt help.

If Apple was smart, they would offer a complete kit with Keyboard and usb input stuff and GarageBand.

Also, its obvious that GB will not be so great until it reaches Version 3.x.

But by then all of us with little knowledge will be able to run a more powerful program. The learning curve that Apple builds in to all its stuff is NOT available with reason etc.

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