real world thus far
With the new 3.06 Imac with the Gt 130 card I got yesterday I ran a full 25 man Naxx raid in WOW last night with everything set to maximum including full real time shadows @ 1900 x 1280 with 24 Bit Color -24 Bit Depth 4x multisample, V-Sync ON (which I am told on a mac slows it down some) and never had a drop below 55 fps. On the Imac with the 3.06 and the 8800 card I bought a few weeks ago and exchanged the new one for, I was getting an average of 32-38 FPS running the same settings. For fun this morning I ran a similar instance in WOW on my PC which has a very close Dual Core 2 processor, 4 gigs of RAM and a 640 meg 8800 Nvidia card. With that machine set on the same settings on a 24" Samsung HD monitor, I was getting an average of 18-25 FPS.
I don't know what exactly the stats are between the GT130 and the 8800 that was in the last model but in my real world test the latest version "stock" 3.06 Imac ran circles around the previous version with the 8800. The only other difference between the two is the extra 2 gigs of RAM that are in the new model, but I don't know for sure if i would see that big of an increase from RAM alone.
Plan on getting a copy of COD4 today and comparing it to a friends stock previous model and my new one.
With the new 3.06 Imac with the Gt 130 card I got yesterday I ran a full 25 man Naxx raid in WOW last night with everything set to maximum including full real time shadows @ 1900 x 1280 with 24 Bit Color -24 Bit Depth 4x multisample, V-Sync ON (which I am told on a mac slows it down some) and never had a drop below 55 fps. On the Imac with the 3.06 and the 8800 card I bought a few weeks ago and exchanged the new one for, I was getting an average of 32-38 FPS running the same settings. For fun this morning I ran a similar instance in WOW on my PC which has a very close Dual Core 2 processor, 4 gigs of RAM and a 640 meg 8800 Nvidia card. With that machine set on the same settings on a 24" Samsung HD monitor, I was getting an average of 18-25 FPS.
I don't know what exactly the stats are between the GT130 and the 8800 that was in the last model but in my real world test the latest version "stock" 3.06 Imac ran circles around the previous version with the 8800. The only other difference between the two is the extra 2 gigs of RAM that are in the new model, but I don't know for sure if i would see that big of an increase from RAM alone.
Plan on getting a copy of COD4 today and comparing it to a friends stock previous model and my new one.