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macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
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However, basic cleaning routines ARE something that Photographers would infer upon someone who owns a higher end camera and is willing to drop the credit card for it. It is a basic skill to owning a high end camera, or any camera for that matter.

Is it a basic skill to owning any camera?

Lots of people who own digital cameras will never clean it, maybe with the exception of the LCD on the back. Welcome to the age of the easily accessible digital SLR. I'm sure you'll soon learn that what you said regarding cleaning and maintenance isn't true.

These digital cameras are just used and thrown away after a few years, unlike with film. Most people don't care about upkeep of things they know they won't keep forever.


macrumors regular
Nov 21, 2004
I like photography and would buy a DSLR if I had the money lying around. I didn't even know about cleaning until I read this thread. Sorry if I don't qualify to own it. :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2003
Is it a basic skill to owning any camera?

Lots of people who own digital cameras will never clean it, maybe with the exception of the LCD on the back. Welcome to the age of the easily accessible digital SLR. I'm sure you'll soon learn that what you said regarding cleaning and maintenance isn't true.

These digital cameras are just used and thrown away after a few years, unlike with film. Most people don't care about upkeep of things they know they won't keep forever.

Yes, I agree that it must be a generational thing. They call us the Throw Away Generation because we will toss out everything- including good advice like don't do something to your expensive new camera which might break it and force you to have to throw it out a little sooner than you may have expected.
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