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You're right they do have a large reserve but that in turn does not equate to a solid profitable business. Wall street cares about making money and if Apple suddenly had issues turning a profit the owners (shareholders) would be very concerned.

Just because you have a lot of money in the bank doesn't guarantee future profits, just look at Microsoft, they spent Billions on buying Nokia - not the smartest use of their reserves. While you can say I'm being a Monday morning quarterback now that the dust as settled on that disastrous purchase. Wall steet wasn't keen on them buying Nokia in the first place and their fears were realized with the write down.
I think Apple has more cash reserves than any company in the world. I am curious at what point do shareholders demand a return of that to the shareholders. I just can't fathom why they need that kind of cash in reserve. There could be another lawsuit coming to demand a payout.
I can totally understand people getting sick of Apple. Not really impressed with iOS 9 or even El Capitan. Finally decided to Jailbreak iOS 8.4 on my iPhone 6 Plus and am running Windows 10 on a separate partition and all is well now :)

I'm really liking iOS 9 and El Capitan actually.

Both are a big improvement over iOS 8 and Yosemite.
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I wouldn't worry people, considering investors wiped 7% off Apples market value after its earnings call, they are starting to be concerned for Apples sales performance, they expect the iPhone to perform a lot better and can see when the China market is saturated, Apple has no where to go and it is a one trick pony company I'm afraid, with no iPhone their is no Apple as you know it.

Apple existed before the iPhone and would exist after. It would just shrink a lot.
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Apple's big cash reserve does them no good if they don't use it. Their R&D isn't what it needs to be except for iPhone. Even there, aside from the A-series processors, which definitely impress me, Apple skimps on RAM and charges too much for storage, and iOS needs some help. The watch may or may not take off, but it looks like it'll take a couple of years to tell. iPad sales are stagnating as the market saturates. The new music software may not have been ready for prime time. They expect cars to be their next big thing, then? How many rap stars are there to buy their cars? It's appropriate to be concerned, for the company's profit and growth are driven by a single product, and at some point, everybody who has desire and money for an iPhone will have one, and no more growth.
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People, I just ordered a new Mac Pro for davinci video editing. Mostly because I hate Windows and have to little experience with Linux and I need a workhorse straight out of the box and not a platform to overcome tech issues all the time. So, should I have bought a high end server or workstation with linux instead? Would have saved money, but would it have saved me production time?
iPad sales are stagnating as the market saturates
I think the issue with the tablet is the price (yes all apple products are expensive) and that the tablet is a secondary device. Unlike the phone which is used every day and is needed for day to day tasks, people can get by without upgrading their older iPads. I see little reason to upgrade my Mini and my wife is on a first gen Mini and she's happy about it.

Apple skimps on RAM and charges too much for storage,
They always have, I remember owning a Powerbook back in the day and the same day I bought the computer, I had to go out and buy ram for it (not apple ram, that was ridiculously expensive). At least Apple has been consistent though out the years :cool:
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I'm really liking iOS 9 and El Capitan actually.

Both are a big improvement over iOS 8 and Yosemite.

Yeah must say iOS 9 Public Beta 2 has been great for me on my iPad air 2. Everything works great very few bugs and love the new features / improvements. It's very solid OS. Haven't tried El Capitan yet but I don't have any concerns about the OS at all. I do have Windows 10 installed and between it and windows 10, I still prefer OS X by a considerable margin.
I think the issue with the tablet is the price (yes all apple products are expensive) and that the tablet is a secondary device. Unlike the phone which is used every day and is needed for day to day tasks, people can get by without upgrading their older iPads. I see little reason to upgrade my Mini and my wife is on a first gen Mini and she's happy about it.

They always have, I remember owning a Powerbook back in the day and the same day I bought the computer, I had to go out and buy ram for it (not apple ram, that was ridiculously expensive). At least Apple has been consistent though out the years :cool:

My mum is still rocking her iPad 3, I use it now and then even, but I am hoping iOS9 makes it run faster and smoother, a bit like iOS6 use to.

Apple existed before the iPhone and would exist after. It would just shrink a lot.

That's why I said 'as you know it'. Sure it'll exist, just be a company like when Steve Jobs took it over when it was in trouble.
My mum is still rocking her iPad 3, I use it now and then even, but I am hoping iOS9 makes it run faster and smoother, a bit like iOS6 use to.

That's why I said 'as you know it'. Sure it'll exist, just be a company like when Steve Jobs took it over when it was in trouble.

They wouldn't be in trouble these days. Mac sales have gone up year after year. They just wouldn't be the biggest tech company any more.
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