I was able to get the certificate into system roots with Terminal (security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /System/Library/Keychains/SystemRootCertificates.keychain 'ISRG Root X1.der'). Could not do it with Keychain, it would only go to system.
Os 10.6.8, Macbook 3,1.
Unfortunately I still cannot browse the web with Safari or hit the Apple Store. I installed ArcticFox for web browsing, it seems to work pretty good. Would be nice to get to the store again.
Os 10.6.8, Macbook 3,1.
Unfortunately I still cannot browse the web with Safari or hit the Apple Store. I installed ArcticFox for web browsing, it seems to work pretty good. Would be nice to get to the store again.