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I've Fended off my Eagerness to get my 64gb Ipad by recieving a New Mac Mini 2.53GHZ , Wireless Keyboard, and Magic Mouse ! Setting it up tonight...
So far I've managed to buy four new bags for the iPad that I haven't even laid eyes on yet! Today I was out at a local mall (not the one where the Apple store is) and wandered into Tumi, where I picked up a great tote bag that will be most excellent for toting my baby around when she's not being carried in one of my messenger bags or the Waterfield Portable Muzetto! Me, excited about the iPad?!!!

I was looking at that case and it's niiiiice! I'm just wondering if it'll stay closed or will my iPad fall out of it because it doesn't have a secure closure. I'm still thinking about getting it though...
Time-killer: I usually read eBooks on my actual Sony reader, but all the talk today of eBook apps got me curious. I downloaded Stanza for my iPhone and played with it, as a sort of dry run for the iPad eBook reading. Stanza is a nice little free app, the page-turning was cooler than I expected, and it integrated seamlessly with Project Gutenberg and other content providers. In under two minutes I had "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" downloaded and readable. This'll be great for grocery store checkout lines.
11+ days and stuck there until a date comes out for the 3g.

Surf the web/ emails/ iWorks (testing)

I am hoping to enjoy surfing on the couch or bed without my testicles getting warm for the first time. (TMI):eek:
I am happy to discover in this thread a level of mental instability and emotional immaturity with which I can, personally, identify.

Here on the coast of Maine, FedEx Saturday delivery (which I believe is farmed out to a 3rd-party delivery service) seems to operate on the basis of "We'll get it there if we have time. If not, see you Monday!"

I have heard stories, however, of Saturday deliveries showing up Friday evening, as the locals with the station wagons are hustling to make more free time for the weekend.

So I'm not sure what to expect. Accordingly, I'm making plans at my teaching job to have somebody cover my Monday classes in case I need to declare it a Mental Health Day. But maybe I'll be posting some incoherent message on Friday night pecked out on an "almost full-sized" on-screen keyboard. ¿Quién sabe?
The wait has been driving me nuts. I got an email a little while ago from my bank stating that Apple has charged my account. The charge is only for the iPad and not the case.
You guys are lucky you're actually GETTING ONE. My Dad won't let me buy one.

Well, when you're older and self supporting (financially) you can buy what ever you can afford. For now, as a minor, your parents call the shots.
I'm sure your father has a good reason for his decision.

Stay in school and get a good job later. My intent is not sarcasm but encouragement :)
Is Fed Ex the shipper for everybody for the iPad?

I hope so. Ill be sitting home ALL day waiting, and waiting and waiting.........

How disappointing if I have to go through that and THEN wait till Mon.
I have mine countdown set to April 3rd 10am EST because that's when Fed Ex usually delivers in my neighborhood

Count yourself lucky, I have to wait for mine to be shipped all the way to the UK, and make it through customs.

With the added bonus of Monday 5th being a bank holiday, I suspect I'll be waiting 'til 7th or 8th.

Not been this excited since initial iPhone launch... Or maybe Christmas when I was really young!

1 Week 5 Days 19 Hours 17 Mins 41 Secs...
I know it's Friday night, people, but I'm going to need you to post faster.

I spent four hours at the hospital today (long story, but Mom's getting chemo and husband had a minor but ER-requiring issue), and spent a lot of time on my iPhone killing time...wishing it was an iPad. (Hospital has free wifi, even.)
Hey, Gwynne, I hear you on this one! I spent all of Wednesday evening well into the wee hours of Thursday morning at my local hospital's ER with a friend....and yeah, as I was squinting and fingering/pinching/squeezing, etc., to read email and posts on my iPhone I kept thinking, "now if I just had my iPad already......" Our hospital has free WiFi, too, and that was a nice improvement, something new since my last visit to the ER and its waiting area.

Hope things are going well with your mother's chemo and that your hubby's visit to the ER went smoothly with a good outcome!
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