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I'm pretty sure most of you don't mind coming on here answering my thread, and out of all the useless threads ive seen on here(believe me I have seen alot) this one dosent seem that bad, I've already messed around with an iPad and know what it can do I just figured I could get some people with first hand Experience owning an iPad and what the advantages are to having one. So thank you to the people that gave me some decent answers and to the people who's time I wasted by starting a useless thread, I'm sorry. Continue on finding other useless threads to complain about, sorry I wasted your precious time. lol

You are correct to start a thread to get info but as others have put it, try the search feature as well. Why not join a thread already in progress and gain the treasure trove of info that others have already discussed?
You are correct to start a thread to get info but as others have put it, try the search feature as well. Why not join a thread already in progress and gain the treasure trove of info that others have already discussed?

Ok that is understandable, but why do people come on a forum and get annoyed because of a thread they feel is not acceptable. You come to this forum to ask questions and get answers, or give answers. Questions are going to be asked multiple times that's any forum. If you feel that a thread is useless just don't read it and move on to a thread you feel is helpful too you
All in all no hard feelings towards anybody I can take some ball busting it's all good. for the guy with the hunger strike going on I'm gonna check some iPads out this weekend so hang in there. lol
I got a bit angry with this thread, not because its useless, but because of what you're asking.

"the age of excess" as someone already mentioned, and the damage caused by it.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with a lot of you people? "Can you give me a reason to justify myself buying this?". What the hell? It's akin to those who upgrade their phones each and every year or the day their contract is over, despite how perfectly fine it still works and despite it still receiving updates. Or their bloody laptops after 2 years when they will last at least another 3 and, wow, they can still get OS upgrades on their current machine.

These are resources we're using. Resources that are finite. Selling them on or giving them to other people is not a solution. Recycling even is not a solution. The solution is to not buy unnecessarily in the first place.

When you read the rate at which iPads are selling and that suppliers are struggling to meet demand, isn't the first thing you think "Holy ****, how much materials is this thing using? How many chemicals are being used here?". When you know a new model will be out within 6 or so months, doesn't this terrify you? Knowing that the current model is really very basic and so few people will hold onto it when more full-featured models arrive?

Please. Think.

What do you need? Your asking provides the answer itself; you do not need this.
I got a bit angry with this thread, not because its useless, but because of what you're asking.

"the age of excess" as someone already mentioned, and the damage caused by it.

Seriously, what the hell is wrong with a lot of you people? "Can you give me a reason to justify myself buying this?". What the hell? It's akin to those who upgrade their phones each and every year or the day their contract is over, despite how perfectly fine it still works and despite it still receiving updates. Or their bloody laptops after 2 years when they will last at least another 3 and, wow, they can still get OS upgrades on their current machine.

These are resources we're using. Resources that are finite. Selling them on or giving them to other people is not a solution. Recycling even is not a solution. The solution is to not buy unnecessarily in the first place.

When you read the rate at which iPads are selling and that suppliers are struggling to meet demand, isn't the first thing you think "Holy ****, how much materials is this thing using? How many chemicals are being used here?". When you know a new model will be out within 6 or so months, doesn't this terrify you? Knowing that the current model is really very basic and so few people will hold onto it when more full-featured models arrive?

Please. Think.

What do you need? Your asking provides the answer itself; you do not need this.

Sorry, but you need to chill out. I think you are on the wrong forum if this is the attitude you have. The 'need' for 90% of consumer products is just a fallacy because the real reason for the product is the 'want' factor. Take away our big screen tvs, video game consoles, iPods, computers, PDAs, PVRs, etc etc and life will go on for everyone. When I was a kid cell phones and internet didn't even exist so it is obvious that we don't 'need' these devices.

But we want them. If you don't....thats fine. But don't piss in someone else's cereal just because you are a bitter betty or because you can't afford it for yourself.

Shut up and deal bro.
I think you are on the wrong forum if this is the attitude you have.

That's an awful attitude to have. People should mix more and share different opinions and viewpoints. Whatever you surround yourself with becomes your norm. You either need to have a sit down and think for yourself or hear an external opinion to become more aware of different versions and to perhaps begin thinking differently from what you're surrounded by if one of those different versions takes your fancy. Groups remaining entirely segregated is no good for anyone in the long run.

But don't piss in someone else's cereal just because you are a bitter betty or because you can't afford it for yourself.

If those were my reasons for my post, then everything would be hunky dory. But this person has asked for reasons for them to buy something that he himself can't think of a reason for buying. Surely, you must see there's something not quite right there.
You should have asked..

"Those of you that originally didn't want an iPad and later bought one, what changed your mind and do you regret getting it?"

You won't get any real answers out of anyone that wanted one from day one.
I just don't understand some people on these boards, if you don't have something to add, then don't post.

The iPad is great for a lot of things.

Now, as far as pure functionality, there's nothing (or next to nothing) that you can do with an iPad that you can't do with an iPhone and a MacBook (or any computer).

However, there are quite a few things that the other devices can do that you might find yourself doing in the iPad instead. Saving some mileage on your other devices.

If you like to goof around on the web while watching tv, watching YouTube, showing off pictures to people, watching netflix, reading blogs/websites, light email, playing games, Facebook, Twitter' etc...etc...

I myself got the iPad as a replacement for my dead laptop. I do about 95% of my home websurfing on my iPad. The other 5% I do on my sweet Dell desktop.

When I have people over and I want to show then something on the web, I grab the iPad, when I want to show someone a YouTube video, I grab the iPad, when I want to show off the pictures/video I shot with my iPhone 4, I grab the iPad. Need to look at a map? Grab the iPad. What's the weather going to do? Grab the iPad.

Now these are all things that can be done on your iPhone or Macbook, but if you had an iPad , you would probably be reaching for the phone and the MacBook a lot less, a LOT LESS.

If my iPhone and iPad didn't need to sync to a computer for podcasts/media syncing, I would probably never turn on my Dell, its there when I need to run some flash crap or get some work done.
This is such an emotional forum.

I understand that there are people from every walk of life, every socioeconomic back ground & probably every country with an internet connection.

But the range of emotions & attitudes at some of the questions that are posted are as interesting as the desperate & quirky questions themselves.

I guess I should chalk this up to the lack of face to face communication. Its ofttimes difficult to get the posters real meaning & so easy to appear critical or judgemental or unduly excited in ones reply.

Maybe we need a wider range of smileys, eh!? :rolleyes: :p ;) :) :D
All in all no hard feelings towards anybody I can take some ball busting it's all good. for the guy with the hunger strike going on I'm gonna check some iPads out this weekend so hang in there. lol

For the love of God hurry, I am so hungry!
Reasons to buy and Ipad

  1. So you will have something to post here
  2. So you can keep 200 plus books to read at the Doctor's office
  3. Something to read while having coffee at Barnes and Nobles
  4. Become a more productive worker
  5. Save yourself a hernia from lugging laptop and powerbrick adaptor
  6. Help fund Apple's bumper program for Iphone
  7. Start a new religion and claim messages come directly from God
  8. Keep your mileage list handy
  9. Do email on the fly (not Jeff Goldblum
  10. Watch movies
  11. Watch people watching you watch movies
  12. Experience the Ipad community frustration at no flash
  13. Access MacRumors Forums: Ipad
  14. Search online for Obama's birth certificate
  15. Do your taxes
  16. Intelligently fend off dweebs who insist that the Ipad is a huge Ipod
  17. Save money on an L4-L5-S1 herniated disc surgery
Seriously, it sounds like you want to be talked into an expensive purchase. I have found that the Ipad makes a great laptop replacement and I use it all the time in various ways- email, art, mileage recorder, book reader, etc. The Ipad is a smart electronic device capable of tailoring itself to your needs. Without really knowing your needs it is hard to say why you should buy one.
I think you have to "want" it as much or more really, than you "need" it, also.

You kind of have to have that, "its a toy & Im wanna play with it" mentality.

I could be wrong because I havent had mine but for a few days, but there are still many things I have to go back to my laptop or desktop for simply because of what I see, at this point, are the limitations of the iPad.

If your looking for something more than very mobile web surfing, email, games, movies & photos then you may want to listen to your 2nd thoughts...
  1. So you will have something to post here
  2. So you can keep 200 plus books to read at the Doctor's office
  3. Something to read while having coffee at Barnes and Nobles
  4. Become a more productive worker
  5. Save yourself a hernia from lugging laptop and powerbrick adaptor
  6. Help fund Apple's bumper program for Iphone
  7. Start a new religion and claim messages come directly from God
  8. Keep your mileage list handy
  9. Do email on the fly (not Jeff Goldblum
  10. Watch movies
  11. Watch people watching you watch movies
  12. Experience the Ipad community frustration at no flash
  13. Access MacRumors Forums: Ipad
  14. Search online for Obama's birth certificate
  15. Do your taxes
  16. Intelligently fend off dweebs who insist that the Ipad is a huge Ipod
  17. Save money on an L4-L5-S1 herniated disc surgery
Seriously, it sounds like you want to be talked into an expensive purchase. I have found that the Ipad makes a great laptop replacement and I use it all the time in various ways- email, art, mileage recorder, book reader, etc. The Ipad is a smart electronic device capable of tailoring itself to your needs. Without really knowing your needs it is hard to say why you should buy one.

LOL - thanks for that :)

I've always wondered why some people on tech forums get so aggressive so quickly; chill out bro's. I'm just a kud.

It is mildly amusing that people complaining about the repost of a simple question ensure that this thread stays in focus :rolleyes:
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