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Saluki Alex said:
I tend to agree with many of the posts, in that, you can multitask on any OS so long as your pc has comparable specs. But at the same time, I'd also be inclined to say that with OS X, you're much less likely to have an app (or the whole OS) lock-up when you're doing so. But to me, the feature in OS X that puts it head and shoulders above the rest when it comes to multitasking is Exposé.

Thats the truth, Multi tasking is so great in OS X because it can cope with nearly anything thrown at it without crashing or locking up, Its so nice being able to do various things together without worrying about the system locking up......I remember the windows days when I used t get scared it was going to freeze when I was burning a DVD at the same time as browsing the web and listening to music,

shadowmoses said:
I used t get scared it was going to freeze when I was burning a DVD at the same time as browsing the web and listening to music

:eek: You had one crappy computer.

My Windows machine is a 2.4 GHz AMD machine, and it flys - Never crashes or "locks up" and is just as good as any Mac I've used in terms of stability AND multi tasking... I can run all of the above at the same time, and watch digital TV from my TV card and probably encode a movie - Its just fine at multi tasking and processor/memory management. Exposé to me is little more than eye candy seeing everything fly about - I rarely use it in normal operation.

Can never understand why people bitch about Windows so much, its fine - Does the job just like my Mac (Well, maybe Windows does it in a less attractive fashion, but it still does it.)
You're lucky, then.

I've gone through two computers and roughly five installations of Windows since 2002. And I'm not even an abusive user.
Just the other day I was extolling the virtures of the screwdriver and how much better a tool it was than the hammer. I was telling my friends all the cool thing you could do with a screwdriver that you can't with a hammer. Plus you never have that crashing sound when you use a screwdriver. :rolleyes:

Anyway, Macs and Windows machines are tools. They are good at pretty much everything and very good as certain things and in capcable hands can do anything that the user needs. Please gives this a rest. It just makes us look like we are whistling past a grave yard.
asphalt-proof said:
Just the other day I was extolling the virtures of the screwdriver and how much better a tool it was than the hammer. I was telling my friends all the cool thing you could do with a screwdriver that you can't with a hammer. Plus you never have that crashing sound when you use a screwdriver. :rolleyes:

haha! Love it.

You are correct though in your second paragraph - That is exactly how I see Windows and Mac OS X, people who love bashing one or the other should think about it. They are both good for different users, or "bi-users" like myself who use and enjoy stability on both.
codo said:
haha! Love it.

You are correct though in your second paragraph - That is exactly how I see Windows and Mac OS X, people who love bashing one or the other should think about it. They are both good for different users, or "bi-users" like myself who use and enjoy stability on both.

No, they are _not_ both good. I would even assert that _any_ OS out
there is better than the load of crap that is windows. This includes OS X,
any GN/Linux distro and all BSD flavors. If Windows works for you then fine.
But Windows hasn't increased computer literacy, It's just lowered the standard.
asphalt-proof said:
Just the other day I was extolling the virtures of the screwdriver and how much better a tool it was than the hammer. I was telling my friends all the cool thing you could do with a screwdriver that you can't with a hammer. Plus you never have that crashing sound when you use a screwdriver. :rolleyes:

Anyway, Macs and Windows machines are tools. They are good at pretty much everything and very good as certain things and in capcable hands can do anything that the user needs. Please gives this a rest. It just makes us look like we are whistling past a grave yard.

Finally some common sense.

Some of you kids need to get out more.
I have zero problems with either of my computers. I'll use my PC to play iTunes/a movie, surf the web, do calculations, burn a CD or DVD, usually without any issues.

I agree with the folks in this thread. Just because people like the Mac doesn't mean they hate windows. I actually enjoy using both environments. I've not had to reformat my PC, save for when I put XP Pro rather than home on it.
Compile 'em all said:
No, they are _not_ both good

They, to use your punctuation, _are_ both good. They both provide a stable working environment - I don’t care how either get to that end result, but the fact of the matter is that they both do.

If I was a potential switcher looking at this conversation, I would be extremely perplexed as all the reasons you guys try to use to push OS X up the hierarchy of operating systems are purely anti-Windows comments that quite frankly don’t apply today. This is not the way to “support” your product.

OS X is a highly competitive, attractive, simple operating system that provides a “luxury” desktop experience for users – You don’t need to sit here and bitch about Windows. It looks ridicules.
I've multitasked with a XP maching plenty of times, I don't think either XP or OSX is better than the other at multitasking. If both machines are powerful enough, multitasking shouldn't be a problem.

I've had lockups on XP and OSX, sorry to say, but **** just happens sometimes.
Until the Core Duo processors came out I was under the impression that there was no such thing as TRUE multitasking.

The processor can only do one thing at a time - albiet very friggin fast so as to appear you're doing two or more things at once.

Macs do seem to carry this illusion better than XP, but until recently it wasn't TRUE multi-tasking.
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