Apple is missing the boat
I have a PS3 and Mac Mini in my stereo rack. I also have a MacPro in my office. Prior to buying the Mac Mini I considered the Apple TV.
Null River is a fine solution for the PS3 with the caveat that you can't play DRM protected content.
My issue with both the PS3 and AppleTV is that to listen to music I have to have the TV on. Alternatively I could have used an airport express but when I want to critically listen to music even MP3s I want to sit on my couch with a remote and no TV on and not push stuff from my office in the other room. My solution was to share my iTunes library on my MacPro with my MacMini and use Remote Buddy on my iPhone to play songs from the MacMini which is actually getting them from my MacPro. I then got a Bel Canto e.One DAC 3 with a USB input to play sound out of the Mac Mini. The Mac Mini actually doesn't contain any of my songs or videos. They are all on my Mac Pro.
So I am happy. I can use remote Desktop from my laptop and do whatever I need to on the mac mini as far as setup or displaying power points on my TV.
EXCEPT: I am furious that Apple won't let me rent movies via iTunes in high definition without that stupid Apple TV. Obviously they won't look as good as blu ray however it would be a nice option. I am not buying that piece of junk Apple TV when a Mac Mini is a superior solution in every which way. WHY IS APPLE FORCING ME TO BUY THAT PIECE OF JUNK? Has someone figured out a way to allow the Mac Mini to trick iTunes into thinking it's a TV? I own 3 apple computers and an iPhone. I have certainly drank the Kool Aid but this infuriates me. If someone has an answer to the Mac Mini HD rental dilemma please e-mail amit at There is absolutely no reason I should not be able to. Even on my MacPro which has > 1080p resolution with a nice big screen, why shouldn't I be able to rent hi def for that device. I hope Sony creates their own movie rental program for the PS3. I'll be the first in line to use it. Apple is flat out wrong on this and I hope it bites them in the rear.
I have a PS3 and Mac Mini in my stereo rack. I also have a MacPro in my office. Prior to buying the Mac Mini I considered the Apple TV.
Null River is a fine solution for the PS3 with the caveat that you can't play DRM protected content.
My issue with both the PS3 and AppleTV is that to listen to music I have to have the TV on. Alternatively I could have used an airport express but when I want to critically listen to music even MP3s I want to sit on my couch with a remote and no TV on and not push stuff from my office in the other room. My solution was to share my iTunes library on my MacPro with my MacMini and use Remote Buddy on my iPhone to play songs from the MacMini which is actually getting them from my MacPro. I then got a Bel Canto e.One DAC 3 with a USB input to play sound out of the Mac Mini. The Mac Mini actually doesn't contain any of my songs or videos. They are all on my Mac Pro.
So I am happy. I can use remote Desktop from my laptop and do whatever I need to on the mac mini as far as setup or displaying power points on my TV.
EXCEPT: I am furious that Apple won't let me rent movies via iTunes in high definition without that stupid Apple TV. Obviously they won't look as good as blu ray however it would be a nice option. I am not buying that piece of junk Apple TV when a Mac Mini is a superior solution in every which way. WHY IS APPLE FORCING ME TO BUY THAT PIECE OF JUNK? Has someone figured out a way to allow the Mac Mini to trick iTunes into thinking it's a TV? I own 3 apple computers and an iPhone. I have certainly drank the Kool Aid but this infuriates me. If someone has an answer to the Mac Mini HD rental dilemma please e-mail amit at There is absolutely no reason I should not be able to. Even on my MacPro which has > 1080p resolution with a nice big screen, why shouldn't I be able to rent hi def for that device. I hope Sony creates their own movie rental program for the PS3. I'll be the first in line to use it. Apple is flat out wrong on this and I hope it bites them in the rear.