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Google, Bing or DuckDuckGo?

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Mar 21, 2011
Google here.....

For me, it doesn't matter if Google tracks or u wanna get out of tracking is non-existent if u'r online anyway..

It's just not tracking searchers.. That doesn't mean no one else higher up doesn't do it. Bsides, privacy remains mine, so i don't care if i get tracked,, none if its real info anyway. Apart from email, details i have on Google account are all fake.

Bart Kela

Oct 12, 2016
Google less frequently now, especially on a computer web browser since you need to scroll through half the page to make it past the sponsored search results.

As someone else mentioned, Bing for adult content searches.

DuckDuckGo has been my primary search engine for a few years although I recently started using Qwant. The jury is still out on the latter.

Good to have options though.
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