I have a certain reluctance giving away my google password to a sketchy website with no privacy statement or contact info... I have to assume they pay their bills by trawling through my data, selling my entire identity to the highest bidder.
Think spam, identity theft, etc.
Don't get sucked into this scam!
Hey there Xtal : I am David Boreham and I own the company that
runs Nuevasync. I'm not a lawyer (if I were, I guess I'd be spending
all my time writing privacy policies), but I suspect that your post above
could be actionable. In any event, let me set the record straight :
1. We are not spammers, identity thieves or similar.
2. We are software engineers.
3. We developed Nuevasync to test and demonstrate some sync protocol
software we developed over the last year. For that purpose, and the
number of users we attracted then, offering a free service made good
business sense for us because we received the benefit of improving our
code quality.
4. The site ran very nicely for months, UNTIL the iPhone 2.0 was launched
the other week.
5. We now have thousands of new users and our servers are melting. We also
have quite a few stability issues that have arisen as we took on huge
numbers of users.
6. Our policy is to do whatever we need to do to help the existing users.
(who have signed up and trusted us even though our web site was not slick
and we have no posted privacy policy).
Therefore, once we have achieved stable service for our users, we (actually
I) will have some time to write the policy and post it.
The short version would be : our policy is to not use your personal information
for any purpose other than to provide our sync service.
Now, since we have so many users now it is unlikely that we can
continue to offer a free service indefinitely. This will probably lead us
to explore other business models, to cover our costs. None of these
will include selling private information. A business that depends on
selling information about people just seems wacko to me, certainly
immoral, and I would hope illegal.
If you have any concerns or questions you can e-mail us at :