I'm not normally a Google maps user - try and stay away from Google apps. But today I tried it in the car as I drove a bunch of errands. I don't like it at all - it is pretty but much more difficult to see streets and use. Also it showed NO POI's other than gas stations - didn't show any stores or the Mall area or landmarks etc. Maybe there is some setting I need to do on my phone to turn on POI but I didn't find anything on CarPlay.
Also there seems to be no integration with other Apple apps such as if I have an appointment on my calendar Apple Maps offers to show me directions - nothing from Google.
Again, I'm not a Google maps expert so maybe I need to change some setting but it was pretty (especially in satellite view )but I need functionality and not beauty so I don't expect to use it regularly
You’re not doing anything wrong...I agree...very underwhelming.