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I believe that we are able to comment on what is posted and are allowed to have opinions, you may love graffiti I may hate graffiti and we both have the right to express our opinions... that is the beauty of freedom of speech.

You may not care what I think but I have the right to think it.

Sure, but once again, this is the gallery forum. There is a community discussion forum where you can talk about this and everything else that gets your panties in a bunch just two links above this forum.

The point is, you bring up graffiti, and somebody just HAS to come riding in on their high horse to say how wrong it is. It is like a vegetarian coming into the post pics of your lunch thread saying how everyone is wrong. Get it?

The subject is 'post pics of graffiti', not 'what are your views on graffiti'. But go ahead, keep littering this thread with your common opinion. I will not reply as, I didn't come here for debate, I came to look at the pics.
It's no different than a dog marking his territory. Except a human should know better.
I think that graffiti is vandalism pure and simple, the people that do this, those that need to express themselves are usually vacuous individuals who do not fit in with the prescribed rules of society.

Agreed. If the "artist" didn't have permission to paint there, then it is vandalism.
Belfast, Northern Ireland



Not sure if you are aware of the Troubles in Northern Ireland, but here's the Belfast Peace Wall - it's become a graffiti wall, with tourists all over the world having signed their names (including a few famous people), as well as local artists and (sometimes local hooligans)


Some 'murals'














Sorry about those big pics in my last post - woops :eek:
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