So I watch a lot of videos on Netflix, Disney+, Prime and YouTube on my devices which can drain battery quickly especially when on cellular. Most folk are heavy on social media apps such as TikTok. These apps are probably the biggest battery drainers (other than graphically advances games) you’ll find on the AppStore.
Yeah, I reckon the culprits are those social media apps (especially video-heavy ones) like Instagram and TikTok, especially, like you said, at outdoor brightness and cellular. I don’t use those, so maybe that’s the reason.
If your usage pattern consists entirely of hours of those everyday, with some gaming sprinkled and you practically never use it for web browsing, messaging, or other apps (or you even use those but sparingly when compared to social media), I guess you can repeatedly achieve appallingly poor results.
I do use the four apps your mention (but on my iPad, not on my iPhone) and they’re very battery efficient. I don’t use my iPad at high brightness, though. I’ve discovered that there’s nothing you can do at high brightness that will give you good battery life. It is the #1 factor. So yeah, if you go indoors and keep brightness at 100% you can forget about any decent SOT numbers.
I’m just a little surprised by how difficult it is to find a single user with a lighter usage pattern. Even the camera isn’t that heavy. A quote above referenced that: “Can you ever imagine people use their phones outside, take pictures, make video calls, all while on Cellular and 100% brightness under the sun?”. Sure. Every single cycle, at all times?
Even a partially heavy cycle (a mixture of heavy outdoor with lighter indoor usage) would fare better than some of the appalling numbers I’ve been seeing. Streaming apps are decently light unless brightness is at 100%. Funnily enough, I have never conducted a cellular Netflix test on my iPhone.
The battery comparison video shows a ridiculously heavy usage and the phone still goes for 11 hours though, interestingly enough.
That said, you do have a point. As I mentioned earlier, the #1 proof we have is the cycles-to-time ratio. Now iPhones show cycle count. Many exceed a cycle a day on average. There’s not enough time in a day to exceed that with any semblance of light usage, so usage must necessarily be extremely heavy.
I was at around 0.37 cycles a day (or about one every three days) on my 6s on iOS 9. I’ve been using the 16 Plus heavily recently, and it’s at 7 cycles in 16 days, or 0.4375 cycles a day, with one of my heaviest usage patterns.
The cycle count of my regular usage pattern on the 16 Plus remains to be seen. I wouldn’t be surprised if, on average, it ends up being something similar to the Xʀ on iOS 12: 0.18 cycles a day. It might be slightly higher, but I use iPads at home, so yeah. I can’t see it exceeding the 6s’ 0.37 cycles/day in the long run.
As I am an efficient user who never updates iOS, I end up not cycling my devices too much, even with reasonable usage in terms of hours per day.
I recently bought the 11th-gen iPad. With Netflix at low brightness, it dropped to 90% from 100% in… 3h 37 min of screen-on time. How do you want me to cycle it heavily with those numbers? Even 16 hours of usage per day wouldn’t be enough.