Democrat622 said:
Most of what we're doing is natively implimenting IADDS and changing some graphical stuff with the bootloader and login thing, so nothing feels too *nix-ish.
LOL! Dammit, make up your mind! You keep adding and omitting and tweaking your description of your project! Now it seems like you're gonna be taking Darwin, and changing the visual appearance, royally screwing up in the process because you can't have a nix based foundation and say it doesn't feel like it does.
You are natively implementing a language == at the very least, a compiler/interpreter for said bizarre mix of objc+basic (which, i still fail to see would work out to anything more than something akin to or )?!?!?!?!??!!
Sorry, I fail to see how a 12 year old like you can understand the concepts behind compiler design, to say the least, when he asks questions like
how to port closed source apps. (there are 25+ year olds out there who wouldn't understand a single word of anything in the dragon book...)
Unless, of course, you're not doing the majority of the work, which seems like the case because you don't seem to know much about it all. In that case, let the people doing the actual work talk.
Also, a free .tk domain (which, in essence is really a redirect) is completely unprofessional. A domain name is $8/year, hosting is as cheap as $20/year. Unless you're going to be using that to distribute your project, in that case I doubt a $20/year hosting plan will suffice, a cheap plan with minimal storage and transfer seems ideal for what you're doing right now. You must realize even people like Daniel Robbins go tens of thousands of dollars in debt promoting and distributing their OSs (he's the guy who created the gentoo linux project...not linux, but just that one particular distro). Even with donated hardware or hosting.
And as per the apple open source license for darwin, I believe for any public distribution of parts of your project, if it ever becomes !vaporware, you're required to make the source code available to anyone who uses it, or just make it publically available. In that event, you could look into SourceForge or any of the other similar sites, or contact places like osuosl for hosting
your project.
Also, just a's admirable that you're donating so much money to help alleviate the situation in Darfur, but you're
donating money, you are
not obligated to donate money, and if hosting is such a priority to you (as it seems it does, 'cause a significant portion of your threads here are about hosting), consider spending some money on hosting before sending the rest of the money to help out with the darfur situation. Sure, I regularly donate money+time to amnesty international, the ACLU, and médecins sans frontières among other NGOs and such, but not to the point that I'd go talk about something I really want/need (need being not an intense wanting, but something absolutely necessary) for weeks on end that I justify not purchasing because I donate all my money away. Which, I don't, cause I'm saving up for grad school tuition.
Consider saving your money for a bit and investing it wisely. Then donate some (to help out in Darfur), save some (for a rainy day or for college), and use some (buy that hardware you need).
And hey, I'm not much older than you, and I don't have a credit card either. I sure plan on getting one someday, but I don't plan on ever using it. But there are so many other alternatives you can take advantage of, so stop whining and start researching. From my experience, Bank of America and Washington Mutual will give you (assuming your age < 18 ) checking accounts with parent permission and usually a good reason to do so (i.e. if you're a 16 year old college student). Other banks prolly will do the same. Visa has a special prepaid card for teens @ that parents can manage. Your parents can do a lot of stuff for you in your name. So if they're not comfortable with you using their CCs online, then get them to put a few bucks into your own visa debit card-ish thing so you can use it yourself.
You don't even need a CC or a checking account to put money in a Paypal account (which a lot of hosting services accept as payment, i.e. godaddy and asmallorange). If you have
any sort of bank account, you can do a bank transfer from your bank to your paypal.