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You know, as a PC user, I don't get it either. Everybody tells me "ZOMG PC5 @r3 t3h 4@c|<z0r5!!!" Apple i5 t3h suc|<!!!!" Some people are just as fanatic for PC's as some are for Apple's. Plus, you can't deny which one looks better :cool: :



P.S. That leopard shot was on Win XP :p
Considering Casio provide a codec for OSX, and considering it will play with VLC Media player, it really IS fair to blame apple when it doesn't work with Quicktime or iMovie.

Anything built to common standards will, by the nature of the word 'common', work on either platform.


Do you use Windows Movie Maker to edit your movies in Windows then?:p You can't really use VLC as a benchmark since it plays darn near EVERYTHING. If they have provided a proper codec for OSX I don't see why it doesn't work with Quicktime unless you mean they provided a separate program with which to work with in OSX. If that's the case, again you can't blame Apple when 3rd party manufacturer's don't want to play it properly.
Considering Casio provide a codec for OSX, and considering it will play with VLC Media player, it really IS fair to blame apple when it doesn't work with Quicktime or iMovie.

Anything built to common standards will, by the nature of the word 'common', work on either platform.


So why doesn't Microsoft include QuickTime support in Windows? I mean, QuickTime (if anything) is much more of a standard than Windows Media. It's been around way longer and is in much wider use in the "pro" industry.

P.S. That leopard shot was on Win XP :p

Which is quite obvious and such an old hack idea (making Windows look like Mac OS) that you can hardly expect to get praise for it, especially here at MacRumors...

Windows XP pretending to try to sortof look like Leopard:




The only way to make it impressive anymore is to make it look literally exactly the same.
I just set my landlord up with a 1.42 superdrive emac. His wife who is a pc maven and his brothers said, 'why do you want to get a mac'. Previously, on his wife's pc he couldn't even find his email.

After he got the computer home, his kids and wife are all milling around his new mac in amazement. He phoned me up a few days later to tell me how everyone loves his mac and he has already put together a couple of videos when after years of training he couldn't even open an email on a pc.

my favourite mac vs pc story see the second post
I like how macs just work. but I'm kind of tired of fighting the Mac vs PC battle. I like macs, and prefer them over PCs, if someone doesn't feel the same way as I do, meh, so what. In my mind, I know who the real winner is...
No - it isn't. I love my Mac - I use it 99% of the time.


I just got a Casio Exilim digital camera. Great little thing. Took the memory card, whacked it into my PC - off came the pictures, the movies - great. Worked perfectly, first time, no drivers, no software to load, edited the movies - everything fine. I've had half a dozen digital cameras and never had to install any drivers for any of them on my PC to get the pictures off.

Same on my Mac - the photos came off fine, so did the movies - but even after getting some obscure Casio download, the movies still do not play reliably and nor can I edit them. It 'just works' just isn't true in this case. I have to go and find a PC to use the movies.

I won't be going back to having a PC as my day to day machine after 2 months with my Mac - but this smugness and presumption that PC's will always do everything worse than a Mac, particularly in this case, is unjustified and unhealthy.


True.. mostly. avi is hardly a standard like jpg. I have the same camera, and the movies play fine in QT and iMovie. You just need Perian installed. But there's the whole problem. Macs, like PCs, could do a much better job of supporting video codecs out of the box. A standard Mac just cracked open will need both a Perian and Flip4Mac install. I think this may be the most user-unfriendly part of the Mac experience for newbs.
Considering Casio provide a codec for OSX, and considering it will play with VLC Media player, it really IS fair to blame apple when it doesn't work with Quicktime or iMovie.

Anything built to common standards will, by the nature of the word 'common', work on either platform.


Well if it works on VLC, why not use VLC to export it to a format the Mac editing software DOES understand? It's what I do with my exilim.

And for the record, Exilims are rubbish cameras.

My macbook has been my faithful friend through uni. Whilst my toshiba was a little workhorse (used it to loop a dvd once with the lid shut for a whole day!), windows was always weird around new items (needed drivers etc) and dual-screening almost never worked properly just by pressing the key combo. I always see kids faffing about in my uni trying to get the PC's just to open a powerpoint presentation fullscreen. When I come in, I plug the macbook in to the projector and startup keynote. Up it comes, keynote at the ready. No keypresses, no resolution fiddling - it automatically adjusts everything for me. And sorts some of my nerves out in the process. I loves it!! :apple: :D
I had a similar experience with our new digital camera. It's a good story. It's one of the best ways to convert people. I've found that just letting them see you be productive.
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