No - it isn't. I love my Mac - I use it 99% of the time.
I just got a Casio Exilim digital camera. Great little thing. Took the memory card, whacked it into my PC - off came the pictures, the movies - great. Worked perfectly, first time, no drivers, no software to load, edited the movies - everything fine. I've had half a dozen digital cameras and never had to install any drivers for any of them on my PC to get the pictures off.
Same on my Mac - the photos came off fine, so did the movies - but even after getting some obscure Casio download, the movies still do not play reliably and nor can I edit them. It 'just works' just isn't true in this case. I have to go and find a PC to use the movies.
I won't be going back to having a PC as my day to day machine after 2 months with my Mac - but this smugness and presumption that PC's will always do everything worse than a Mac, particularly in this case, is unjustified and unhealthy.