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Srsly, what are you going to test?

unreleased yet cards for macpro, which barely work for now ?

think twice before writing and you will not get answers like - it's booring.
Them there's absolutely no reason to justify owning a macpro.

Games = waste of time and who seriously buys workstations and macs for gaming.
Still, where's that video card upgrade? An overpriced and discontinued HD4870 and a gtx285?
Only the quadro fx4800 can be called an upgrade at this point, although it's a waste given how bad the drivers are.

Then by all means, conjure a tower mac for me with desktop CPU and PCIE expandabilities, running OSX natively without hacks. I'd gladly buy it.
Then by all means, conjure a tower mac for me with desktop CPU and PCIE expandabilities, running OSX natively without hacks. I'd gladly buy it.

Speaking of which, when Pystar was in business of selling their clones, did anyone buy one?

I was always curious if their computers were hacked together and needed constant kext fiddling and broke after updates too. They would have had to do it that way right?
Speaking of which, when Pystar was in business of selling their clones, did anyone buy one?

I was always curious if their computers were hacked together and needed constant kext fiddling and broke after updates too. They would have had to do it that way right?

They sold 768 machines. Yes, their machines were no different from a normal hackintosh, except they used EFI bootloader on a usb stick instead of the harddrive.
Srsly, what are you going to test?

unreleased yet cards for macpro, which barely work for now ?

think twice before writing and you will not get answers like - it's booring.

I didn't know opencl and cuda weren't working, specifically cuda as nvidia launched new drivers on 07/02/10.

As for the barely working graphics cards, well just notice that the current support on the pro, configuration and design is beyond craptastic. Only 2x6 pins connectors instead of 4x8 pins, possibility to use the space between the processor board and the bottom of the 09 mac pro for hard drives, the raid card bandwidth cap, supplying the hd4870 and the gtx120 as the "offcial" apple supported cards when they're extremely bad performers on one of the technologies they (apple) were touting on 10.6 which was opencl.

The 4x8 pins connectors could be fixed by replacing the psu cable with an appropriate one since the cable is detachable from it.

As for a graphics card update, a new revision? They are long, long overdue, pc users have been enjoying new hardware for months now and better drivers may it be on windows, solaris or on linux distros while osX is being left in the cold.
Even the new cuda 3.1 drivers have problems, like cuda capable devices not showing on device query.

As side note, I have here the service manuals for all the pros, 2006 to 2009, if you guys want them just tell to where I should send them.
As side note, I have here the service manuals for all the pros, 2006 to 2009, if you guys want them just tell to where I should send them.

technically that's "need to know" information, and you agreed to not distribute it when you joined the certification program.

if i wanted to use the brand newest video card for games, i would. i did it for a year before apple released the 4870, then just flashed the rom. now i've got the patience to wait until apple releases the card before i go grab one to flash.

finally, you buy a mac because you want a machine that works. to be able to play games (which are a multi-billion dollar a year industry) and to design games on your mac is an added benefit of owning a workstation. i can tell you right now my mac compiles vrads (lights) in the source engine faster than any 4 year old peecee would.
I didn't know opencl and cuda weren't working, specifically cuda as nvidia launched new drivers on 07/02/10.

As for the barely working graphics cards, well just notice that the current support on the pro, configuration and design is beyond craptastic. Only 2x6 pins connectors instead of 4x8 pins, possibility to use the space between the processor board and the bottom of the 09 mac pro for hard drives, the raid card bandwidth cap, supplying the hd4870 and the gtx120 as the "offcial" apple supported cards when they're extremely bad performers on one of the technologies they (apple) were touting on 10.6 which was opencl.

Do you really not so how pathetic and ridiculous it is to RANT in this thread?

We are TRYING to HELP get these cards running in Macs, and you are here whining about Apple.

Didn't realize that CUDA and OpenCl weren't working? Guess you didn't READ the thread before you took your crap in it.

No GO AWAY and offer your "Warez" elsewhere.

And again, WE ARE TRYING TO GET THESE CARDS WORKING !!! Why are you here trying to shoot down our efforts? Angry at Apple so you take it out on people trying to make better cards available? I believe they call that "transference". Go see a shrink. But in ANOTHER THREAD, please.
I do hardware rendering in Maya and 4x vs. 16x makes a big dirrence when I'm rendering a huge number of animation frames. In most other non-3d apps, I agree with you completely. When GTX 480 gets fully up to speed, 4x on the GT120 will not make a difference.

I don't think Netkas has ever tried very hard to figure out WHY Nvidia cards act the way they do with ATY_Init and slots.

I always thought it had something to do with "piggybacking" onto the EFI from slot 3. As I recently discovered, the card in slot 3 doesn't need to even have EFI, just be a post G70 Nvidia card.

So exact mechanism is unknown. BTW...this was actually first discovered by people who found that using a 7300 in slot 3 allowed other Nvidia G70 cards to woprk in slot 1. (7800GT, etc) So this cozy relationship between slot 1 and slot 3 has been there for awhile.

Doubtful that Netkas will bother with this. It "works" as is and he has an INFINITE quantity of requests for help on other, more pressing things.

I am very glad that you have a GTX480 going. Please continue to post observations, especially as drivers get updated.
Many thanks to you and to everyone else whose posts contribute to our collective knowledge base.


Now maybe you could help me out.

Did you ever run OpenGl Extension Viewer test?

I acquired a 4,1 2.26 Octo Pro earlier today in an effort to figure out if 5870 required it and AGPM. Proved that theory wrong...but....seems the AGPM extension may have created a problem for GTX480.

I moved the HD over from the 1,1 so eveyrthing else is same as before.

But while GTX480 booted same and seemed fine, it is permanently stuck in 1st Gear. The OpenGl scores are ...get this....1/4 of the speed of the GT120 !!!!

So, far worse than in the 1st Gen.

On 1st Gen, when the test starts the score is low, but then "jumps" upward drastically as the card moves into higher power state. This was same behavior as GTX285. However, it never "jumps" in the 4, least I haven't seen it do it yet.

A quick try of Half Life 2 produced the expected slide show.

So, I need to figure out how to allow it to ramp up as it does in 1st Gen.

Guess the joke is on me. I got the 4,1 to hopefully move 5870 project ahead.

That was a "fail"

Instead, I have created new obstacle in GTX480 project.

I'm gonna guess 10thHz has a 3,1. Hopefully this is just some junk leftover software I have overlooked.

Will also try starting a new Disc from the pristine 10.6.2 install that came with machine.

EDIT: Forgot the other reason I know the GTX480 is stuck in Low Power mode. Get ready for ATI fanbois to go nuts. The other way I know the Fermi isn't running anywhere near 3D speed is the fact that I can easily touch the metal parts of heatsink while card is running. As much as it pains me to admit is physically impossible to do so when card is running in 1st Gen. The entire metal part of fan is literally too hot to touch.
Dirty Fix in 4,1

I just chucked out the AppleGraphicsPowerManagement kext and now my OGL scores are back at 1,1 levels.

Card getting warmer too.

Next i'll try placing an entry for GTX480 in the kext.
Can ATY-Init.kext be modified so that my Apple GT 120 card can be placed in slot 2 which is 16 lanes rather than slot 3 which is 4 lanes? I have a dual monitor setup and desire that both video cards run at optimal speeds. When I install the GT 120 in lane 2 my system freezes and a dark overlay descends down my screen followed by a message advising me to do the obvious - reboot.

Try putting GTX480 in slot 2 and GT120 in slot 1.

Works for me.
My Mac Pro is indeed 3,1.

Can Rominator clarify what the level of OGL scores was when he threw out AppleGraphicsPower...kext? Was it even lower than the ones I reported? Is there any point in me experimenting discarding this kext in my 3,1 machine?
What to do about power?

Hey guys,

I got a MP 4,1 and would like to whack a GTX 480 in it but I'm worried about the power requirements.

I've got a 450w 5.25" supplemental PSU and have seen how to install these in 3,1s but see two problems:

1. Routing the cables is a nightmare - the only way that I can see to do it would be to cut an enlarged slot in the plate above HD1 (where the ODD drive SATA/power cables come up through).

2. I can't figure out which PSU line is equivalent to ATX pin 16 (my PSU needs ground and pin 16 to sync on with the main PSU - not a simple molex connector like others :rolleyes:)

Any advice would be handy!
My Mac Pro is indeed 3,1.

Can Rominator clarify what the level of OGL scores was when he threw out AppleGraphicsPower...kext? Was it even lower than the ones I reported? Is there any point in me experimenting discarding this kext in my 3,1 machine?

you may have misunderstood

my theory is that only the 4,1 machines suffer from this issue and that the scores go UP when AGPM gone

easy enough to try out

drag the kext to desktop, makes a copy

discard one from extensions folder, restart.

if you want to reinstall, use kexthelper to install one from desktop
Hey guys,

I got a MP 4,1 and would like to whack a GTX 480 in it but I'm worried about the power requirements.

I've got a 450w 5.25" supplemental PSU and have seen how to install these in 3,1s but see two problems:

1. Routing the cables is a nightmare - the only way that I can see to do it would be to cut an enlarged slot in the plate above HD1 (where the ODD drive SATA/power cables come up through).

I currently have mine sat on top of my Mac Pro, but I do intend to have a go at putting it in the optical bay once I get some long cables. If you unscrew the backplane of the first hard drive bay you *may* be able to squeeze the cables through underneath it, it's quite tight though.

2. I can't figure out which PSU line is equivalent to ATX pin 16 (my PSU needs ground and pin 16 to sync on with the main PSU - not a simple molex connector like others :rolleyes:)

Can you provide a link to the manufacturers product page?
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