Many thanks to you and to everyone else whose posts contribute to our collective knowledge base.
Now maybe you could help me out.
Did you ever run OpenGl Extension Viewer test?
I acquired a 4,1 2.26 Octo Pro earlier today in an effort to figure out if 5870 required it and AGPM. Proved that theory wrong...but....seems the AGPM extension may have created a problem for GTX480.
I moved the HD over from the 1,1 so eveyrthing else is same as before.
But while GTX480 booted same and seemed fine, it is permanently stuck in 1st Gear. The OpenGl scores are ...get this....1/4 of the speed of the GT120 !!!!
So, far worse than in the 1st Gen.
On 1st Gen, when the test starts the score is low, but then "jumps" upward drastically as the card moves into higher power state. This was same behavior as GTX285. However, it never "jumps" in the 4, least I haven't seen it do it yet.
A quick try of Half Life 2 produced the expected slide show.
So, I need to figure out how to allow it to ramp up as it does in 1st Gen.
Guess the joke is on me. I got the 4,1 to hopefully move 5870 project ahead.
That was a "fail"
Instead, I have created new obstacle in GTX480 project.
I'm gonna guess 10thHz has a 3,1. Hopefully this is just some junk leftover software I have overlooked.
Will also try starting a new Disc from the pristine 10.6.2 install that came with machine.
EDIT: Forgot the other reason I know the GTX480 is stuck in Low Power mode. Get ready for ATI fanbois to go nuts. The other way I know the Fermi isn't running anywhere near 3D speed is the fact that I can easily touch the metal parts of heatsink while card is running. As much as it pains me to admit is physically impossible to do so when card is running in 1st Gen. The entire metal part of fan is literally too hot to touch.