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Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Oct 5, 2001
San Diego, CA
Here's a brief list of ways in which you can assure that help threads created in this forum will be replied to and your questions answered in an expedient manner.
  1. Thread titles -
    Make sure you enter a descriptive thread title and that it indicates what you need help with.
  2. Give enough info -
    -Give details of the system the issue is happening with (hardware, OS version, etc.)
    -Post a screenshot of the problem (if possible)
    -Fully describe the circumstances in which you've tested it (multiple users, multiple machines, etc.)
  3. Search first -
    This forum is equipped with a very robust search system that can be used to find previous threads that might discuss what you're about to post. Check that your issue hasn't been discussed before starting a new thread.
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