i remember the heydey of instrumental metal in the 80s-90s in los angeles and the speed demons loved rivera, as well as soldano, pearce, and mesa boogie...along with their expensive amps were the ibanez jem 777s and jackson soloists sporting ultra thin necks and wide frets with floyd rose or kahler trems...and don't forget the teased hair, spandex, and reebok shoes
marshall players like me and many others got the marshalls for volume but we all knew there could be great tone and volume, and i fondly remember the rivera as one of the great loud, yet sweet amps...like them or not, few would call a marshall stack or half stack "sweet sounding" but the rivera or solano especially were always deemed nice to listen to
i was so out of step with the speed demon players, even though i developed the techniques, i actually liked small amps and telecasters...whenever i wanted to dive bomb, i would grab a non floyded guitar and grab the headstock and bend the neck...it was a feature on a guitar magazine where jake e lee of ozzy osbourne showed how to get trem effects without actually having the trems...the only drawback, with jake and many other players, is that if you grab the neck and bend it too far, you may break it at the weak spot where the truss rod comes out near the headstock
but that wasn't an issue with steve vai...he had his floyd rose trems, but he had the bad habit of using them so hard, he ripped them right out of the guitar body...man, those were the days