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Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Original poster
Jul 16, 2002
I'm humored by this, not because it's the iPad, but because it's the Yankees -- and they consider the iPad is a laptop even while TSA does not. Personally, I would not bring my iPad to a game, but hey, different strokes for different folks. I've been to a dozen ball games since OD and never seen an iPad once so probably minimal impact.

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Unless I'm sitting in a luxury box.....that is definitely a device I would NOT want to bring to a game.....too many potential problems to look forward to....spilled soda, food, foul ball....etc

They really should make mention of it though so people know not to bring it.
When you walk into the stadium, hold it in one of those giant foam hands, they'll just think it's an iPhone :D

Well, just as a PSA for our international viewers, if you go to Yankee Stadium w/ a foam hand and don't want to come under suspicion it should look like this:

We brought an iPad in on Sunday the 16th. No problems. Sounds like bunk to me.
They just don't want you using an iPad as a giant mirror to blind the outfielders...
Unless I'm sitting in a luxury box.....that is definitely a device I would NOT want to bring to a game.....too many potential problems to look forward to....spilled soda, food, foul ball....etc

They really should make mention of it though so people know not to bring it.

Agreed, I wouldn't want to risk it either.
We brought an iPad in on Sunday the 16th. No problems. Sounds like bunk to me.

Did they notice the iPad when they checked your bags? I went to a yankees game last week, didn't know about the ban and had my iPad with me. (I had it because it just goes with me everywhere -- it's my iPod, book reader, and texting device, since I don't have a phone) Security said I couldn't bring it in. We then tucked the iPad into my friend's bigger bag, beneath a bunch of other stuff he had, and went in through a different gate, and successfully got in when the security people didn't see it.
BFD! Every stadium makes their own rules and have their reasons. Maybe they are concerned that there will be fights (including attempted theft that can lead to more fights) and they don't want their security to have to deal with it? Drunk fans can do stupid things...and they may just want to avoid issues over something that isn't necessary for you to attend the game?

Oh, and I can't bring more than 1 unopened water bottle into Angels Stadium but you don't see any media coverage of that! Funny, this is news because it is the Yankees and Apple iPad. If it were the Mariners and an HP netbook, no one would care (sarcasm added).
Another reason to follow the Mets


Mets? What losers.

There is no decent AT&T reception at Yankee Stadium anyway, so no point in bringing an iPad. Perhaps the wi-fi people want to use it as a snack tray so they don't drop a precious $0.10 cents worth of french fries on the floor.


Posted by my executive assistant
BFD! Every stadium makes their own rules and have their reasons. Maybe they are concerned that there will be fights (including attempted theft that can lead to more fights) and they don't want their security to have to deal with it? Drunk fans can do stupid things...and they may just want to avoid issues over something that isn't necessary for you to attend the game?

Oh, and I can't bring more than 1 unopened water bottle into Angels Stadium but you don't see any media coverage of that! Funny, this is news because it is the Yankees and Apple iPad. If it were the Mariners and an HP netbook, no one would care (sarcasm added).

Oh noes! Fights in Yankee Stadium! We can't have nones of thats. Ha. Fights are to Yankee Stadium like venereal diseases are to porn stars. If security wanted to prevent fights they wouldn't allow Red Sox fans to enter...or really any non-Yankees fan.

BTW who are the Mariners? And what's this HP netbook you speak of?
I'm humored by this, not because it's the iPad, but because it's the Yankees -- and they consider the iPad is a laptop even while TSA does not. Personally, I would not bring my iPad to a game, but hey, different strokes for different folks. I've been to a dozen ball games since OD and never seen an iPad once so probably minimal impact.

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Do people actually spend money going to a Yankees game ?
Mets? What losers.

There is no decent AT&T reception at Yankee Stadium anyway, so no point in bringing an iPad. Perhaps the wi-fi people want to use it as a snack tray so they don't drop a precious $0.10 cents worth of french fries on the floor.


Posted by my executive assistant

Isn't that like 1/2 a french fry? I haven't been keeping up with stadium prices lately.
Mets? What losers.

There is no decent AT&T reception at Yankee Stadium anyway, so no point in bringing an iPad. Perhaps the wi-fi people want to use it as a snack tray so they don't drop a precious $0.10 cents worth of french fries on the floor.


Posted by my executive assistant

Go iPad 3G Elitist Club®!
Mets? What losers.

There is no decent AT&T reception at Yankee Stadium anyway, so no point in bringing an iPad. Perhaps the wi-fi people want to use it as a snack tray so they don't drop a precious $0.10 cents worth of french fries on the floor.


Posted by my executive assistant

Never have I seen a more useless post. Well actually I take that back most of what you post is.
MLB Advanced Media will soon release an update for the At Bat iPad app that is designed to enhance the game-watching experience while in a stadium.
And by the way, airport security is definitely mixed, regardless of what TSA may officially say. About 40% of the time I have been asked to take it out after the scan. I find it easier to just take it out rather than have my bag pulled back and rescanned.
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