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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains

I’m 3 episodes in and this is good. I like it better than the movie of the same name. Interesting that the series features the two lead actors from The Killing (AMC 2011-14) Joel Kinnaman and Mireille Enos, filmed on lication in several European locations (Hungary, Slovakia, Spain, UK, Germany and Morocco.) If you are not familiar with the plot, it’s about a baby girl stolen from a secret CIA facility who has unusual DNA. It’s not yet been explained how. He father figure, takes her to live in the polish woods for 15 years teaching her survival skills, but also she is gifted.

Season 2 may start March 2020.
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
I finished Season 1. It’s intriguing, International, holding my attention, and I enjoyed It. It’s good, but not great.

Hanna is supposed to be a genetically altered super human/fighter, not like a comic book super hero, but she is fast, accurate, has enhanced senses, and is physically powerful, but not super powered. And she is mortal I think.

If there is a weakness in the presentation of the story it would be the physical fighting. Put a gun in her hand and she can shoot the wings off a fly, but the way it is edited, I did not really feel her physical power while melee fighting.

That said, I’ll still be watching Season 2. :)
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macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Season 1 & 2 Spoilers


Season 2- Has started and is a continuation of the S1 story. Clara was liberated from the Ultrax facility at the end of Season 1. After spending some time with Hanna in the Romanian Woods, Clara is recaptured and moved to a facility called The Meadows in England for the Second Phase of development of the Ultra Warriors. Hanna is not giving up on her friend and Marisa becomes a wild card having developed an affinity for Hanna.

Hanna's Utrax Conspiracy Is Even Much More Nefarious Than We Thought


macrumors Core
Original poster
May 5, 2008
The Misty Mountains
Finished Season 2 thumbs up! The plot in this story is alarming, sinister, and it bothers me that the CIA, and elements of the US military are tied into it. If you don’t know anything about Hanna, it’s taking babies, genetically altering them, taking away their rights, and raising them in isolation as agents of the State, killing machines for a new world order.

It’s a very interesting concept that people raised in isolation could buy into fake online families that they could interact with just so they feel like they belong and are normal.

If I have a critique it’s that the actress who plays Hanna has the moves but she does not project the physical power I would expect in someone who has her abilities.

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