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Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Mar 20, 2004
"Between the Hedges"
Happy Pi Day, Doctor Q!

Celebrate Pi Day!

Pi, Greek letter ∏, is the symbol for the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Pi Day is celebrated by math enthusiasts around the world on March 14th. Pi = 3.1415926535…

With the use of computers, Pi has been calculated to over 1 trillion digits past the decimal. Pi is an irrational and transcendental number meaning it will continue infinitely without repeating. The symbol for pi was first used in 1706 by William Jones, but was popular after it was adopted by the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in 1737.

Doctor Q, I am disappointed you have not sent us an official greeting today! I would have thought personalized cards and gifts would have been in order... maybe a new i∏ad for everyone!


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
I kid I kid.

I hadn't even noticed. Tells you how in tune with the day I've been.


macrumors G5
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
When I read the title I was thinking of something completely different. But according the wife I am always thinking that way....

Interesting to know Pi has a birthday and even more interesting is people celebrate it! :)
  • Haha
Reactions: icanhazmac


Moderator emeritus
Original poster
Mar 20, 2004
"Between the Hedges"
I guess Doctor Q has been too busy celebrating today to post
You know, decorating the Pi Tree, carving the ∏umpkin, exchanging Valenpi Cards...the usual

Maybe he will share what Pi Day gifts he received

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
Thanks for the thread. I looked for it!

I spent the day at the Pi International Expo (PIE) in PIsmo Beach, CA. Well not really. But I did celebrate the holiday today.

A couple of weeks ago I spotted this work of art on the wall of the San Jose Museum of Art. It's on the middle landing of their main staircase. Check it out the next time you are in San Jose.

Only 5 years until the time and date are 3/14/15 9:26:53!


  • san-jose-pi.jpg
    19.3 KB · Views: 318


macrumors G5
Jul 4, 2005
We don't have Pi day. :(

Yesterday was 14/3.

Though, on the 22nd of July we could celebrate ~pi day. 22/7.


macrumors Core
Mar 17, 2005
London, England
I forgot! I blame the UK date format. I usually pimp this avatar:


Maybe next year.


macrumors 68000
Jul 10, 2007
Too bad I just saw this thread now and not yesterday morning.

Here is a poem a couple buddies and me put together for a high school math class.

I am Pi Guy, Pi Guy am I

Do you ask why who am I,
Why it's clear that I am Pi.

I'm the number, the number that you need,
To make round equations, with great super speed.

For circles and cylinders and cones I'm the best,
Although I'm irrational, to that I confess.

A number as big and important as I,
Could only be known as your good old friend Pi.

So when you are lost with graphs that are round,
You need not complain, do not make a sound,
For I, the Pi Guy, am always around.


macrumors 601
Jul 31, 2008
Northern VA
Happy Pi Day everybody. How many numbers can you go into Pi from memory?

I got 3.14159265358979323846264 (I think that's right...)

Doctor Q

Staff member
Sep 19, 2002
Los Angeles
I know 72 digits without peeking. For a while I knew more, which I practiced by having the first 1000 digits as my desktop picture. But I got lazy and left a let of icons get all over my desktop, obscuring the picture!

I like to tell people my "proof" that the digits I know are the correct digits of pi:
  1. Have me recite the digits twice and compare them. You'll see they are the same each time. That shows that I've memorized some number to 72 digits.
  2. The digits at the start of the sequence are familiar to everyone. That shows that the number I'm reciting is at least close to pi.
  3. Why would I memorize a 72-digit number that is close to pi but isn't pi? I'm not that crazy! QED.
If you let me use base instead of base 10 then I can recite millions of digits of pi! 10.0000....


Moderator emeritus
Jul 19, 2002
I got 3.14159265358979323846264 (I think that's right...)
I know the bolded part (20 digits) is correct from memory. :)

You are .00000000000000000000264 more nerdy than me. :p :D

I know 72 digits without peeking.
Wow. How long did that take you to memorize?

If you let me use base instead of base 10 then I can recite millions of digits of pi! 10.0000....

Just make sure your zeros are in the correct order. :p :D
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