Nice to hear that, glad to hear we got this issue sorted out.I had the same problem on 10.5.6
I used macPilot to "visify" my harddrive, and it worked.
Nice to hear that, glad to hear we got this issue sorted out.I had the same problem on 10.5.6
I used macPilot to "visify" my harddrive, and it worked.
OS 10.6.1
Go to Finder
Click preferences
On General Tab the first section see
"Show these items on the desktop"
Click Hard Disks
That's it.
Far out guys! dont worry about all that terminal console crap!
Using FileBuddy from
1. Enable administrator privileges
2. File -> Get Info -> Choose -> Macintosh HD (default selection)
3. Uncheck the box on the left which should be ticked as invisible
4. Do a finder search for a file named "" (you will need to activate the search to include hidden system files, delete this file)
5. Reboot your computer.
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
sudo chflags nohidden /Volumes/"Name Of Drive"
killall Finder